New Friends

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"What do you think's taking him so long?" Ginny wondered aloud and Harry and Hermione nodded. "I'm worried, maybe we should go look for them?" Hermione suggested and the three of them stood up from their seats and left the cafeteria. They walked into the hall, keeping their eyes peeled in hopes that they'd find their friend how he left them, in one piece. Harry turned towards the lockers ranging from numbers 100 to 200 and in the middle of the row of lockers was the Janter's closet where he heard muffled shouting. "I think they went in there," He muttered and led his girlfriend and Hermione towards the closet. As they got closer, there was a loud bang that came from inside and out of fright, Hermione threw the door open. They were all shocked beyond belief. "Ron?" Hermione muttered, tears welling up in her eyes and Ron pushed Z away as hard a possible, staring hopelessly at his shocked friend, pissed off sister and crying girlfriend. "'Mione I can-"
"DON'T YOU DARE SAY YOU CAN EXPLAIN RONALD!" She shouted and Ron flinched. "AND DON'T  'MIONE ME EVER AGAIN, YOU CHEATER! WE'RE OVER!" She screamed before running away. "YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE RON!" Ginny shouted at him before slapping him across the face. "Harry-"
he whispered and Harry sighed. "We're still friends mate but, you've got to fix this on your own." He heaved before following Ginny. Ron was shaking. WHY DID I DO THAT?! He fell to the floor and cried, very unaware of the person crouching next to him. "Firecracker don't cr-"
"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He screamed before standing up. "I COULD AND WILL NEVER LIKE SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" He yelled before storming out if the room in a rage. Ron ran towards the direction Hermione ran in and yelped when he bumped into someone. "Watch where you're-Weasley what's wrong?" Draco asked after catching a glimpse of Ron's teary red face."I'm f-fine. W-why do you c-care?" He sniffed, trying his best to hide his face. "You just look like you need someone right now," Parkinson replied, coming into view. Ron couldn't take it anymore. His best friends didn't like him and as much as he hated it, Pansy was right. "I do!" He cried, throwing himself into Draco's embrace as he cried on his shoulder. "How about we skip first and second period and you can tell us what happened?" Pansy whispered and Ron nodded, wiping his nose with his sleeve. Draco and Pansy led the ginger out into a secluded part of the courtyard and they all sat down in front of a small pond."So, what happened?" Draco asked. "You promise you won't judge me?" He sniffed and Draco and Pansy nodded. Ron began telling them what happened, except he didn't name the person who was the core part of the story. "Wow, that's heavy," Pansy sighed when he finished. "Yeah, I know." Ron chuckly dryly. "If it makes you feel better you can hang with us until you are forgiven." Pansy suggested and Draco looked at her incredulously. "Come on Dray, look at the poor soul," she pleaded, motioning to Ron who was aimlessly playing with a sheet of grass. "Alright, fine." He said and Ron beamed. "Thank you guys. You're not as bad as I thought you were," Draco scoffed and Pansy chuckled.

Meanwhile, Hermione was in the girl's dormitory crying her eyes out. "'Mione, he's a nuisance, crying about him is a waist of your time." Ginny whispered and Hermione shook her head of curly hair."Maybe you should skip today?" Harry suggested but she shook her head again. "I just-I need a minute to myself!" She sobbed before bolting into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. "I can't believe Ronald!" Ginny hissed and Harry nodded. There was a knock on the door and both of their heads snapped towards it. Both their eyes widened and Ginny gaped. "Where is she?" Z asked, looking around the room. "Get out." Ginny spat and he cocked his head. "So now you're not scared of me?" He chortled and Ginny blushed before shrinking in on herself again. "That's what I thought," he sighed before walking to the bathroom, knocking lightly on the door. "Who is it?" Hermione sniffed and he cleared his throat. "The last person you want to see," he replied and Hermione threw the door open before cowering back inside. "W-what are you doing here?" She croaked and Z put his hands into his pockets. "I'd like to....apologize. What happened was entirely my fault. I kissed him and practically forced myself onto him when I knew he wasn't interested." He started and Hermione looked up at him. "I was too strong for him and wouldn't budge when he tried. If there's anyone you need be angry at, it's me." He said before striding put out the room leaving the shocked forms of the three.

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