Lavender Brown

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I felt alive as I followed Blaise's car as we drove to the warehouse place he kept talking about. I'm surprised he trusts us this much to by us cars and take us straight to the warehouse instead of taking us to the training base he told me all of the Hell Fire gang members go before going to the warehouse until they're ready. For safety reasons. He must really trust us and I respect that. Like he said earlier, we're family. I watched as his black Bentley drove on a secluded road away from the city. After a few minutes, we drove behind a mountain and I gasped. Behind the mountain was a building. It looked like a warehouse but fancier. The wood on the outside was polished and smooth, it had beautiful exterior decorating and the parking lot was full of fancy ass cars. There was a designated spot for Blaise's closest to the entrance and he parked in it smoothly. Draco parked next to him and Pansy, Hermione and I across from him. Harry parked next to the other bikes in a row near the entrance. We all got out and Pansy almost fell to the ground. "That was the best thing I've ever experienced!" She said exasperatedly and I chuckled. We all agreed before walking over to Blaise who was staring at his phone. "Alright. We seem to be early so you guys will have to wait thirty minutes or so while I question the bitch. You're welcome to watch," he grinned, putting his phone in his pocket before placing his hand on a metal thing beside the door. It turned green and the doors opened. We walked inside behind him and I immediately felt intimidated. It looked like a bar, but one of those bars you pay thousands to get into. Everywhere around the room, people in the gang were staring at us. All of them buff and menacing. Except for one person who was downing his whiskey at the bar. Blaise noticed me watching him and he nodded. Hermione, Harry and I ran up to him and hugged him so hard he almost choked. "Ron? Harry? Hermione? What are you doing here?"
"Hello Seamus. We're here for training. How are you?" Hermione beamed and Seamus chuckled, putting his glass down. "Great. I just got-"
"Engaged," We all chimed and the Irish man blushed. "Anyway, we've got to go but we'll catch up!" Harry said and Seamus waved us off. We followed Blaise into a back room of the bar into what looked like a lobby. There was a man sitting at a desk in the far left and Blaise walked over to him, us still in tow. "Afternoon Sir. Mr Thomas is waiting for you in the security room," said the secretary and Blaise beamed. "Thank you Grant,"
We went into an elevator which took us several stories down before it stopped in a brightly lit hallway. We entered the first room and I smiled when Dean stood up from his seat to greet us all with a hug. The room was large with white walls, TV's everywhere, all showing different angles of the building and in a few dark rooms I couldn't make out. "Do you mind keeping them here while I work. We were early," Blaise asked and Dean shrugged. "I'd be happy too," he said and Blaise nodded, a small smiled on his face. "I'll be back," he muttered, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "So. How does this interrogation thing work?" Pansy asked curiously as we all watched the screen Dean was staring at. "Well, boss kind of does it in his own way, you know? Like police interrogations with a twist. A sick, twisted twist," he said and I shivered. "If you haven't noticed or been told, he has-"
"Dissociative identity disorder," I replied and Dean nodded. "What you're about to see here is Blaise's other personality. He doesn't have a name, from what Blaise has told me but he's pretty rough,"
We all waited curiously and I nearly jumped when one of the dark rooms on the TV became brighter. There was a girl sitting inside. She had curly, fawn coloured hair and was wearing all black. I heard the sound of the door clicking and Blaise walked into the room, his sleeves pulled up. "He hasn't got a gun?" Harry inquired and Dean winked.

"Lavender Brown is it? I remember you," Blaise started and we all gasped. Lavender?! "What do you want?!" She spat. Blaise chuckled softly. "What were you doing trying to break into my base?" He asked, crouching down so he could stare at her face to face. She didn't say anything.
"I'm giving you another chance, Lavender. I'm not afraid to hurt anyone who jeopardizes and harms my gang," he whispered and Lavender scoffed at him. "You leave me no choice,"
We all expected Blaise to slap her but instead, he reached into his pocket and took something out. It was a purple lighter with a peeling, silver R on it. The one I gave to him. "You see this, Lavender? It's a lighter. Right now, this very cell in being filled with gasoline." True to Blaise's words, liquid started filling up the room and Lavender started to panic as Blaise stood to his full height, lighter in hand. He switched it on. "You have two options. One, you tell me everything you know and I might not kill you. Two, you keep that pretty mouth of yours shut and die in here. You've got about thirty seconds," Lavender started furiously pulling at the bounds around her wrists, trying to escape the gasoline as it drenched her clothes. She started crying and Blaise stared at her with a small smile. "I'm not telling you a-anything!" She sobbed at him and fell to the ground when Blaise kicked her eye. "Ten seconds,"
"Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, o-"
"Alright alright! I'll tell you!" She screamed, tears falling like waterfalls from her eyes. The liquid drained out of the room and she visibly relaxed. "Thank you Lavender. Go ahead," for being a gang leader, Blaise was quite polite. "I work for the Ministry. My boss wanted me to steal all your intel on them in order to slow you down. That's all," she said and Blaise played with the lighter before grabbing a handful of her hair, making her stare at him with teary eyes full of pain. "No, Lavender. That is not all. You're hiding something from me. I hate liars, Lavender. Do you want to know what I do to people who lie to me?" He asked and Lavender began to cry again. "Please! I have a girlfriend a-and a life! I needed the money!" She cried and Blaise clenched onto her hair harder, making her whimper. "I don't give a damn about your life. What I give a damn about, is my gang. Tell the truth!" He threw her to the ground and she shook on the wet floor. "Who is your boss?" Blaise asked and she visibly gulped. "Arthur Weasley. The real reason I came was because he was convinced you had kidnapped his son, Ronald. He wants him to work for him, seeing as you two were close," Lavender said and Blaise's shoulders tensed. "Thank you Lavender," he smiled, crouching down besides her with a large grin. "Y-you're not going to kill me?" She asked amd Blaise chuckled a deep, rumbling chuckle that sent chills through my spine. "I want your death to be slow and agonizing,"
Lavender screamed. Blaise had grabbed her arm and pulled her so hard he ripped it off. "And don't you EVER-"
He kicked the broken flesh making her scream louder. "THINK YOU CAN STEAL FROM ME AGAIN!" He yet again, grabbed her hair and swung her around the room so hard, her body fell off, limp on the ground. Blaise lifted his arm and stared at the head dangling in his hands.

"Shame, she really was quite pretty,"

I know ripping someone's arm. Off is probably impossible but all my other stories are supernatural so I had to give this one a supernatural flare somehow 😉

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