He's Here

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I gulped and left the safe, comforting feeling of Blaise's house. He stood next to me, my hand gripping tightly. "You know I can't come with you, firecracker? I hate to say it but you need to let my hand go,  eventually," he signed and I sniffed, stuffing my head into his fresh smelling cologne clad chest. He wrapped his long arms around my torso and pulled me closer, kissing the top of my head. My face left his chest and I stared up at him, pouting. "Daddy stay with Ron," I whispered and he let out a low, sad chuckle. "Daddy will always be with you, baby boy. Do you have the present I gave you?" He asked and I nodded, feeling the intricate dagger against the inside pocket of my baby blue blazer. "Good. If you miss me, remember that you don't need me. I taught you how to use it." He said and I shook my head, hugging him tighter. "It isn't the same," I whimpered and he kissed both my red, freckly cheeks before his lips brushed my nose. "It'll be over before you know it." Suddenly a voice rang through my ears and I cursed at the figure rushing Blaise and I. "

Ronald! You're going to be late for your first day!" Hermione screamed and I groaned. Blaise ducked down and planted one more, long kiss on my lips before walking back towards the shade of the patio. I waved sadly before jogging towards Hermione's car. The both of us had work in relatively the same area so she agreed to drive me on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays whilst I drove us on Thursdays, Fridays and, if she wasn't being possessive over her new car, to Burger King during our lunch breaks throughout the whole week. I buckled myself up and she stepped on the gas. We drove down the mountain and into the city, the scenery changing drastically. From rough terrain and somehow beautiful dessert looking ground to large, skyscrapers, apartment buildings that cost much more than they were worth and malls of every size.

There it was...

Dream Incorporated

To say I was terrified as Hermione pulled up into the visitors parking lot was an understatement. I couldn't even pull my backpack over my shoulder properly I was shaking so much. "You'll be fine, Ron. I taught you everything you need to know about having a proper job. Speaking of proper jobs, have you decided whether you're going to stop helping you mother at the diner?" Hermione asked, holding ny hand in hers for comfort, which helped the slightest bit. "Yeah, I have and I've decided to stay. She isn't in the best place right now with her thinking about divorcing dad. If Fred, George, Ginny, Charlie and Bill can't be there for her, I will." I said confidently, though I was quite sad. My mum really had been going through quite alot. Me resigning from Molly's wouldn't make anything better for her. She's still having money problems and I need to help as much as I can. I got this job at Dream for her, not me.

"That's sweet of you," Hermione smiled that soft smile of hers. The one that makes you feel as if you've won an Oscar. I smiled back as she smoothed my collar and fixed my hair. "Now get in there and be the best software engineer you are!" She said enthusiastically and I grinned. "You're way better at this than Harry," I murmured and she shot me a sharp glare, though I could tell she wanted to smile. As her car drove away, the fear immediately resettled into my stomach and I swallowed. I took a large breath in and inhaled sharply when I felt something hard in my pocket. He's here, Ron, I thought, acknowledging the dagger against my chest.

Let's do this...

Ah! Short chapter but I FINALLY UPDATED! Thank you guys for being so patient with me! Hopefully I'll get in more chapters and soon get back into my old writing rhythm.

Byeeeee bishes❤

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