Little One

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The two boys stared at each other. Both unblinking and holding their breath. "Draco Lucius Malfoy," Z said, earning a nod from Draco. "You still remember m-" Draco asked and before he could finish his sentence he was being pulled into a hug. He hugged back. "Of course I still remember you. You were my best friend!" Z said into his shoulder and Draco wanted to cry. He had spent every waking moment being constantly reminded of the day Z left with his mother. The day the news reported the his family to be dead. "Why don't you want people to know who you really are?" Draco said out of the blue and Z pulled back. "You still remember my name?!" He said hysterically and Draco nodded. "Of course I do. It's the oddest name I've ever heard." Draco joked, earning a chuckle from the boy sta d in NG opposite him. Then a sad realization prodded at his brain. "When was the last time anyone called you by it?" He asked quietly and Z's smile disappeared. "My mother. The night I-the night he killed them." He said gravely and Draco furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean he?" He asked and Z bit his lip. "Come to library at eleven pm tomorrow and I'll explain everything." He said before striding past Draco towards their dormitory. "Oh! And bring Pansy too." He added and with that, he disappeared. Draco stood still. He didn't know what was happening.

It was the next day and like all the other Sundays Ron had spent at school, he went out to the football bleachers to run. He was wearing dark blue shorts and a white tank top.
He ran around the track that was lining the field and tripped and fell when, out of nowhere, he spotted someone watching him on the bleachers. Ron sat up and groaned. He had scraped his knee pretty badly. Blood was dripping from the wound and it hurt like hell. The figure on the bleachers jogged to him and Roneyes widened when he saw that it was Z. He crouched down the Ron and stared at his knee. "I'm sorry, that was my fault. I really am a burden to you aren't I," he said and Ron glared at him. "Yes, you are." He sneered and watched in awe when Z pulled a small roll of bandages out of his pocket and started lightly bandaging his knee. "You need to be more careful, Firecracker." He whispered and Ron blinked. "Don't.... Don't call me that," he breathed and Z brushed his knee softly. "Then what must I call you?" The boy asked and Ron shrugged. "Come on, get up." He said suddenly and without warning, grabbed Ron's hands and lifted him up. He scooped Ron into his arms and started carrying him bridal style towards the bleachers. "Put me down!" Ron demanded but was only put down when they reached their destination.
"That was uncalled for!" He said angrily and Z sat next to him with a chuckle. "My life was uncalled for, Firecracker. It is the way it is." He sighed and Ron tried his best not to blush. No! I'm not going to let him reel me in again. "What are you thinking about?" Ron snapped himself out and mentally face palmed. He really needs to stop spacing out in front of this boy.
"N-nothing." Ron stuttered and Z frowned. He scooted closer to Ron until Ron was sitting in his lap. "Don't lie to me, little one," he whispered and Ron shivered. He had only been called little one in his dreams... Or his nightmares. Ron tried to scoot out of his lap but failed miserably when Z put a hand around his waist, making Ron shiver. He maneuvered Ron so the ginger was straddling him and started into his eyes. "What were you thinking of, firecracker?" He asked against Ron's neck and Ron shuddered. "No! I am-I will not let you do this to me again! My heart's been broken once, I don't need it breaking a second time because you weren't serious about this!" He spat before climbing off of Z's comfortable lap. He limped back to the school but there was a nagging feeling in his chest, telling him to go back and cuddle close to the boy. To smell his scent. A warm cabin in most woods, a fire crackling in the grate. That's what he smelling of and Ron wanted more of it. But he knew he'd only get hurt. Just then, Ron jumped and nearly fell to the ground when someone rounded the corner he was walking into. "Ron, I was just coming to talk to you." Said a voice and Ron wanted to quiver. Hermione stood in front of him, back straight and eyes looking everywhere but his. "Yeah?" Ron replied, trying to ignore the pain in his knee. "I wanted to apologize for how I treated you. I know that vermin of a boy forced himself on you and it wasn't your fault. I'm am sorry." She said quietly and Ron couldn't believe his eyes. Why was she apologizing?! "'Mione, I should be the one apologizing!" He exclaimed but Hermione shook her head."It will still take me a while to talk to you again but I hope we can still be friends." She said and Ron, to Hermione's surprise, hugged her.
Hermione smiled up at the ginger before skipping away. Ron watched he go and after a while and sighed in pleasure when a hand wrapped around his middle, taking the pressure of off his painful leg."It was you? Wasn't it. You talked to her?" Ron whispered and shivered when he felt the boy's face against his neck.

"All for you little one."

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