Fifth Wheeling

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Draco Malfoy, Seamus Finnigan I all exited the car, mics attached to our clothes, ear pieces at the ready. The snow was beginning to build up around us, dotted around Godrick's Hollow making most of the structures resemble ginger bread houses.

I glanced around, remembering my old hometown. I barely had any good memories of the place, the only ones I could remember clearly being that of myself and Hermione visiting my parents during Christmas. Now that I looked back on it, those seemed like simpler times.

I hoped Hermione was alright though. She'd told Ron and I that she and Pansy were going on a mission with Daphne Greengrass, a member of Alpha squad. So she'd be busy all day, like us.

Ron, on the other hand? I almost snorted. I was proud of my best friend. After going through so much the last five years, Ron was still determined to help defeat the Boss. I knew that one day, Ron, Hermione and I - the Golden Trio- would look back on these days and laugh, trading stories and drinking Butter Bear at Remus and Sirius' house whilst the two old men shook their heads and rolled their eyes like grandparents tired of hearing about technological advancements.

I couldn't wait for when that day came. If it came.

"Hey, you alright?" Draco asked as the three of us strolled through the streets of Godrick's Hallow . "Yeah, I'm-I'm fine," I replied, eyeing Draco with a look that said Tell you later. The blonde nodded and turned his attention back to the man on the other side of him.

Seamus hadn't changed much, since High school, I noticed. He was still extremely short, but he'd grown burlier over the years. He had a neatly trimmed layer of stubble on his chin, his chestnut coloured hair cut military style. But his eyes still held that old, mischievous glint in them that would ensure the incineration of the Chemistry lab.

Despite Seamus obviously having grown up, he was still adorable and he was still very much a good friend of mine. I was determined for all of us to live long enough to watch Dean and Seamus get married, Pansy and Hermione to finally realize their feelings for each other and for me to finally use the engagement ring that's been sitting in my pocket for weeks...

Seamus' breath hitched in his throat and the three of us stopped in our tracks.

"There it is," he nodded towards a bar that read Tempest's Tavern in flickering blue neon next to the door. "12 Tempus Road."
Draco, Seamus and I checked our mics, glanced at each other and walked towards it, stepping inside.

The tavern wasn't much, empty, a standard bar with swiveling seats before it, a few booths for privacy, a platform on the west wall with a microphone and amp set up. Warm lighting filled the room and without everyone inside, it smelt surprisingly nice. Like syrup and pancakes.

At the bar stood a young, handsome Asian man wiping the tables, humming to something on the radio with a smile on his face. As we approached, his smile faded slightly, his eyes racking over us as he turned down the volume of the Britney Spears song.

"Tavern doesn't open until 5, boys," he stated dryly, flipping the rag in his hands. "We didn't come here to drink, uh-"

"Ling," the man replied.

"Well, Ling, we were hoping you could help us find someone," Draco continued. The three of us stood at the bar and through the dim light, I could get a closer look at the tavern-man. Specifically, the enormous burn mark running from his ear and across his shoulder blade, disappearing under his shirt.

"A man named Finnigan," Seamus said.

Ling frowned, his hands falling off the bar table. I had a suspicious inkling he might be reaching for a gun. "What do you want with Sean?" He asked protectively, his eyes dark and angry. Beside me, Seamus tensed. I glanced at him and saw he was staring at Ling as if he were a puppy he'd lost years ago.

"Tell him his brother's here to see him."

I reeled. Draco and I both stared at the stout man with shock. Lings mouth fell open in a silent gasp. "Well?" Seamus urged. Ling got over his shock, cleared his throat and nodded, blinking aggressively. "Uh, yeah. Right, this way."

The barman led us to a back room with a small lobby and staircase. We climbed the steps, Draco and I still fumbling, shocked that Seamus had a brother. I'd always thought him an only child. That's what he'd told all of us at least. I wonder if Dean knew...

The stairs stopped at a short, dark and narrow hallway. Doors lay against the wall like apartments. Ling walked towards the third one and knocked. A muffled reply sounded from the other side and the three of us walked in.

"You're up early," said a knew voice and I blinked. We stood in a small apartment. The walls were painted grey. A king sized bed lay in the far right next to what I guessed was the bathroom door. Opposite the bed was a seating area and open plan kitchen. The room looked almost like a fancy collage dormitory.

Making tea in the kitchen was a man that looked so similar to Seamus, I had to make sure Seamus wasn't playing a prank on us by somehow being in two places at once. He had a walnut brown buzzcut like Seamus, sky blue eyes and a light dusting of freckles littered his face. A chaotic glint in his eyes. The only way you could tell that this man and Seamus weren't twins was the fact that he had a full grown beard and was 6,6. I had never met someone so tall in my life. Sure, Blaise was extremely tall and so was Draco and Theo. But this guy's height rivaled that of Dean's- and that's saying something.

Besides Seamus' brother, Draco, Ling and I looked like midgets. Seamus on the other hand, looked smaller than a toad-stool.

Apon seeing Seamus, the man dropped his cup of tea and it shattered to the floor. A look of complete shock gracing his face.

"Hey Sean," Seamus muttered bleekly, adjusting his collar as if it were choking him. "Seamus-" Sean started, seeming at a loss for words. He flared his throat gruffly, "What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk to you about your ex-wife," Draco said plainly and I stared at him incredulously. I gave him one of those, 'Way to drop the bomb, Malfoy!' looks. Draco scowled at me before turning back to Sean, waiting for a response.

There was something very unnerving about the situation we were in. Sean and Ling both had this look in their eyes as they studied us. They didn't know if they could trust us, and I felt like if they decided they didn't- the outcome would be bloody.

Sean hesitated. Instinctively, I reached behind my back, towards the back of my pants. My hand settled on my gun. Unfortunately, Ling noticed and immediately another gun was pointed at my forehead. The movement had been so quick, even Draco and Seamus were too late.

"Sean," Seamus warned, slowly reaching for his own gun. "Ling, put it down," Sean said softly, though apprehension coated his words. Ling glanced back at the tall man before sighing. The muzzle of his gun fell from my forehead and I gasped in relief, immediately moving closer to Draco. The blonde wrapped his arm around me protectively, glaring daggers at Ling who was glaring daggers at all of us. He walked back and laced his fingers with Sean's, sneering. His finger still resting on the trigger of his gun.

I almost felt sorry for Seamus. He was fifth wheeling...

Sean cleared his throat for attention. He glared at Ling for a count of three before sighing, smiling at us as if he hadn't nearly had my head blown off.

"How about we drop the firearms and have some tea?"

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