His Game

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Before we start with the chapter......

I'm so glad you guys are liking this story!

Enjoy bishes😚✌🏿💖




Everyone in the cafeteria turned to see what was happening. Ron and Harry's eyes were wide as they watched Ginny and Hermione, both girls angry. Hermione was holding her fork so tightly her knuckles were going white and Ginny's face was slowly heating up, to the point where her face put her hair to shame. Blaise however, looked amused. He loved doing this to people. Picking at their nerves, enough to make the slightest thing a massacre. Anger was the best way to show one's true self, Blaise knew that. Yes, he may not always let his own anger stop him from doing things but he thrived when others didn't either. He lived for it. "And why not?" He asked and Ginny stood up. "Why would we want someone like you at our lunch table?" She said, some knew form of confidence arising. Blaise smirked. He was waiting for that.

Someone like you...

He had heard the phrase many times and with each time it was spoken, only made him want to go further. "Elaborate on that,"
he said and Ginny blinked, gulping down the lump on her throat. Ah, there it is. The fear. It happens every time. Your opponent gets lurred into a false sense of authority. Then when you ask them to defend their 'testimony', their walls slowly begin to crumble. Ginny composed herself but Hermione cut in before she could say anything. "Can you please just leave us alone?" She asked and Blaise mentally grinned. This was going exactly the way he planned. "No problem. I'll leave, I just want to hear what Ginny has to say about my so called 'people'. As you were saying Ginevra?" Everyone waited impatiently for Ginny who was getting redder by the second. "You ruined a beautiful relationship with your dangerous antics. I don't want to be associated with that," she said indignantly, crossing her arms. "Correct me if I'm wrong, Ginny but are you calling me what I think you are?" He asked and Ginny raised an eyebrow. Her heart was hammering against her chest and she, again, gulped. In all honesty, Blaise didn't know what Ginny was calling him but he knew she was starting to panic. That and the fact that he kept emphasizing her first name, causing her to feel personally attacked. "I-no-you-"
"Because if you are implying that... then you must know that I am an arsonist, not that blasphemy. I may be a terrible person but I'm respectful and I personally feel you are gravely disrespecting me. And you don't want to do that," he whispered, leaning slightly so that Ginny felt her personal space be invaded. His voice went half an octave lower and he watched as a single bead of sweat traveled down Ginny's freckly hairline. "No, I'm not! You know what, do what you want," Ginny huffed, slumping back into her seat. Hermione sitting down slowly afterwards. Blaise grinned.

Works like a charm.

Everyone watched in awe as Harry scooted up and made a space for Blaise to sit in between Ron and himself. Ron blushed and lowered his head. The smell of the wood burning fire in a moist, frosty forest filled his nose. What cologne does he wear!?
Ron wanted to look up and take another, long wiff of the boy but thought against it. He couldn't with the possibility of slipping into Little Space. "You know your face is practically in your cereal, right?" He heard a voice whisper and Ron jumped on his seat. Blaise snorted and Ron hit his arm. "Don't scare me like that!" He hissed and Blaise grinned, biting his lower lip. Ron blushed so hard he blent in with the fire hydrant a few tables away, resting on the wall. He's just so, perfect... Ron sighed. He wanted to see Blaise smile like that every second of every minute and every minute of every day. Blaise cleared his throat before, unexpectedly and to Hermione and Ginny's dismay, started talking to Harry. Ginny leaned over the table and Ron blinked at her. "Why are you letting him sit with us?" She hissed and Ron frowned. "Think about it Ginny. He's been in juvie most of his life, alone. I'm guessing he doesn't have friends. You know, people he can actually count on. Why don't we-"
"No, Ron! You saw what he did to Aunt Jean. Hermione's not going to get over that any time soon. He's not a good influence. He said it himself. He's a terrible person!" She hissed and Ron rolled his eyes. "Yes, but from what I've experienced he's the nicest person in this room!" He spat back and Ginny and Hermione's eyes widened. "What do you mean?!" Ginny shouted and Ron's frown hardened. "How do you think I felt when all my friends left me for something that wasn't entirely my fault?" He asked and Ginny sneered. "Not entirely your fault?! It was all your fault!" She shouted.

"Oh, has Hermione not told you of what we talked about the other day?" Blaise asked out of the blue and Harry and Ginny both raised an eyebrow. Hermione blushed a dark shade of pink, cowering in on herself. "I-I didn't think-"
"Hermione," he persisted. Blaise stared at her straight in the eyes. Eye contact was always useful in getting people to talk. No, the key Blaise was using wasn't dominance. It was his eyes. Something he was always told, was that his gaze was so penatrating, so deep, anyone wouldn't be able to hold back under it. It's why Ron refused to look at him during their meetings on dubious occasions. Blaise felt like that was his superpower. Yes, maybe he wasn't the hero in this game...

But he moved the pieces.

"He's right Ginny. It wasn't Ron's fault. It was his," she sneered the last word but you could see she was still ashamed. Blaise grinned.

This game was gonna be fun...,

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