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I sighed into my bed. I honestly hated Sundays. School was just a few hours away and I'd have to work again. I'd have to face people I'd rather avoid. I blinked a couple times before staring at Harry's bed above me. What is happening? First, I'm forced into a group with Lavender and a serial killer. Then, things happen between us and I don't know what to think. Third, Hermione breaks up with me but forgives me. Fourth, Ginny won't talk to me. It's just all so confusing! What am I supposed to do about any of it?! Suddenly, Harry walked into the room, pushing me out of my tense state. "Hey mate," I sighed and he smiled weakly. "What's the matter?" I asked, noticing the disgruntled look cascading his features. "Promise you're not going to get angry?" He winced and I raised an eyebrow, sitting up. He sat down on my bed and stared at me. "I think I need to break up with Ginny," he said and I continued to stare at him. "Is there a particular reason?" I asked and he nodded. "There's just no spark anymore. She never talks to me like she did. She's always glued to her phone and I.... I think I'm..... Bisexual," he ended with a low, voice. So low and quiet I didn't hear it. "What?" I said and he repeated the last part a little more loudly. "Oh," I said and he nodded slowly. I grinned widely and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are you smiling?" He asked and I grappled his shoulders, causing us to away slightly. "I don't think you ever knew this but I really hated you and Ginny together. I just didn't see how it would work! Of course you can break up with her! Just let her down easy," I said and Harry gaped at me, dumbfounded. I patted his back before shoving him off my bed. He continued to stare at me until he walked into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. The door opened a second time and Z walked in looking either tense or angry. I couldn't tell. I looked away as he walked to his bed.

Third Person

Ron sunk into his bed and closed his eyes. He yelped loudly when his mattress sunk next to him and he jolted up, eyes wide. Blaise had sat on his bed, looking stressed. "W-what are you doing?" Ron asked the boy but Blaise just sat there, unblinking. "Come with me," he said in a low voice and Ron furrowed his eyebrows. "Wha-"
Ron stared at him. He looked so... Tired. Ron could see the trouble blazing in his eyes. The tension of his shoulders. The way his eyes shifted as if he was afraid of being looked at. "Okay," Ron whispered. Blaise nodded before getting up, Ron following him. The two of them left the eighth year common room and walked out onto the field. "What are we doing here?" Ron asked hesitantly and Blaise sat down in the grass, Ron following the movement. "Just, lay down at look at the sky," he said and Ron did as told. They lay in a silence Ron couldn't describe. It wasn't uncomfortable or tense, it was...... Warm. Like all his senses were being wrapped in blankets and his eyes slowly fluttered closed. He breathed in the smell of a wood burning fire in a cabin engulfed by moist woods and smiled. "It's calming, right?" Blaise said softly and Ron nodded. "I used to do this with my mother. She'd have loved you, you know?" He said and Ron's eyes opened. He looked at Blaise, only to find he had already been staring back at him, a soft look on his sharp features. "Can I tell you something?" Ron said out of the blue and Blaise hummed in reply. "I don't have the best relationship with my family. I'm always the...."
"Scew up?"
"I can relate, but in a different way."
"How so?"
Blaise took a large breath in. Ron listened.
"When you're a criminal, you get chances. Because of my young age, I was given many chances, including this one. I screwed them all up, which plopped me back in jail. I can never get being a good person right. I try, I really do but..." He ended with a sigh and Ron rolled over so they were facing each other. "You are a good person. You talked to Hermione and she's forgiven me. You haven't done anything  people are expecting you to do. You're just right," he said and Blaise smiled. The two stared at each other. Blaise scooted closer and the two sat up. He put a hand on Ron's cheek and Ron bit his lip.

"May I?"

Ron pulled him closer and sighed when he felt a set of lips on his. The kiss was slow and content. Everything else, the field, Hermione, Harry and Ginny, Draco and Pansy, the government and Ron's family. It all slipped away. All Ron could feel was Blaise's hands around his waist, pulling him closer with each brush if their lips. All Blaise could feel were Ron's arms snaking around his neck. Both boys felt like they were in heaven and no one could bring them back down. They pulled apart and Blaise stared down into Ron's blue irises. It was like watching the waves crash against the harsh rocks during a storm. They looked like little blueberries. Beautiful

Ron stared into Blaise's irises. A fountain of chocolate swirled enticingly in them and he felt himself wanting more. Needing more. It was like a craving he couldn't satisfy. Blaise just found Ron so.... Insatiable. He wanted to swoop him up and protect him for as long as he breaths. At this moment, he knew. He wanted to keep Ron in his life forever and nothing was stopping him. Little did he know, Ron was slowly wanting the same thing.

"You are beautiful, firecracker,"

"Thank you daddy,"

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