Professor Zabini : Finale

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Alot had happened the past twenty four hours...

We got a substitute physics Professor who just so happened to be the same age as us because of how early he graduated. Said physics Professor told me that I'd earned a scholarship from an extremely important group who was asking for my help on a project! My parents also hit said professor with our car, somehow leaving his motorcycle, Bathilda, unscathed. I had dinner with said professor in my house, on the couch at midnight. But most importantly, the one thing that bothered me the most about the past twenty four hours is that I kissed  him?

I kissed said professor!


Right now, in this very moment, I have never been so nervous going to school. I had tried every trick in the book. I tried to act sick. I pretended to sprain my ankle. I even tried hiding from my mother in my closet! I had done everything in my power possible to get me to stay home, but my parents were having none of it. So here I am, staring into the darkness of my locker. Dreading second period.

And it came faster than I thought it would.

For the first time in my life, I'd wished that maths never ended...

Third Person

"I don't mean to hurt your feelings here, Ron. But you're shaking so much it looks like you've been on Mary Jane all your life." Harry stated and Hermione nodded in agreement as the three of them walked to physics. Ron wanted to retaliate but he just couldn't find the words. He was too tongue tied. Hermione tilted her head and her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh. Harry, I think he broke. I haven't seen him this quiet since-"

"Since the cafeteria used the wrong cheese in their macaroni and cheese last year? I remember." Harry shuddered and somehow, that managed to get a laugh out of Ron. Ron looked up from the floor and his stomach lurched. The physics classroom was a mere few meters away, the door wide open, inviting him to his impending doom.

Suddenly, Ron's heart was beating so quickly he felt dizzy.

"I think I need to see Pomfrey-" he croaked quietly and Harry rolled his eyes. Suddenly, Hermione gasped and placed her hand on Ron's shoulder aggressively, turning his body so he were facing her. "It's Zabini? Isn't it? Ron!" She screeched and Ron stared at her hysterically, extremely annoyed as to how excited she looked. Harry's eyes widened and he snorted. "That's what's got you so nervous? Physics class?" He laughed and Ron shoved him. "You are both unbelievable. I have no problem with physics, or the teacher that teaches it." He snapped, glaring at both Hermione and Harry, who were hiding their smiles. With courage Ron didn't know he had, he squared his shoulders and stormed towards the classroom. He walked in and immediately forced his eyes to stare at his desk. When he sat down, he stared at his books, refusing to look anywhere else. A few more students filtered into the classroom and Ron's eyes were confused when the room was suddenly void of light. Everything went dark, but he still refused to look up.

He could feel several pairs of eyes on him, guessing that Hermione and Harry were laughing at him. But he knew that there were more than two people curious by his actions.

"Morning class. Luckily, we're not doing much today. Professor Lupin has lined up three documentaries that you will write notes on. Get out your notebooks and enjoy."

Ron's heart stumbled out of his chest when he heard that voice. Demanding but not angry or authoritive. He slowly took out a pencil and opened his book, beginning to write once the movie had started. Still refusing to do anything but listen.

Throughout the entire documentary, Ron had felt those golden eyes boring into his head. The Professor hasn't stopped staring at him and Ron was so nervous he felt queezy.

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