Professor Zabini: Part 1

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If you guys haven't already guessed, this is a special (sort of). This one shot has nothing to do with Flame Thrower and will not change the storyline or character relationships in any way shape or form. It's just something I enjoyed writing and maybe you'll enjoy reading. Maybe I'll even make a Part 2?

"Harry, mate. I don't know where you're going with this but I'm not going to prom with the two of you," Ron stated angrily as himself and his best friends walked to their next class. Harry groaned and rolled his eyes. "Neither you, me or 'Mione have dates, Ron! Prom is in a few weeks and almost everyone has a date. If we went with each other-"

"What are you talking about?" Hermione interrupted him, sounding offended. Harry frowned. "I do have a date," she said matter-of-factly and both Harry and Ron's eyes widened. They all entered their physics classroom, taking their seats next to each other. Hermione blushed. "Pansy said yes," she grinned and Harry and Ron both beamed. "Are you serious?!" Ron asked excitedly. Yes, he and Hermione had dated for a little while, and yes, he loved her though only us a friend. However, underneath he couldn't help but feel jealous of her. But only slightly. That's what I like to tell myself anyway...

"Well, that leaves you and me, mate." Harry stated sarcastically and Ron snorted, mentally giving up on his chances of ever getting a date. "The bromance continues?" He asked Harry and Harry smirked.
"It never stopped." Hermione rolled her eyes and the three of them laughed as the classroom began to fill up. Behind them, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas, two boys in their year were speaking and Ron, out of boredom, listened in. He was in no rush for the physics teacher to get there anyway.

"Yeah-" Seamus said. "We're getting a substitute for the rest of the week. Maybe longer depending on how Lupin's feeling-" Ron's eyes widened and he immediately turned around in his seat. Harry and Hermione doing the same out of interest. "We're getting a sub?" He asked Seamus and Dean who both nodded. "Harry, you said Professor Lupin was fine," Hermione questioned the bespectacled boy, and Harry shrugged. "I thought he was. Sirius said it was just a small cold," he said, beginning to get concerned for one of his father figures. "Who's the substitute then?" Lavender Brown asked suddenly, joining the conversation. Everybody turned to Seamus, seeing as he seemed to know the most information. However, the short boy merely shrugged. Suddenly, another person joined their now forming circle around the table.
"I heard a bit about him. Apparently he's our age. Graduated college last year," Cormac McLaggen whispered and Ron's eyes widened. There was no way an eighteen year old was about to teach them physics...

Suddenly, through the gossiping of students, footsteps could be heard walking done the hallway towards their classroom and everybody quietened down, scattering to sit back in their seats. The door opened and Albus Dumbledore, their Headmaster walked in.

"Good morning, students. Lovely morning for physics, isn't it?" Dumbledore asked in his usual light, carefree tone. Ron rolled his eyes. "A few of you may have heard you'll be getting a substitute for a little while whilst Professor Lupin attends to his fever. Nothing too serious, just a minor flu. In the meantime, you're substitute should get here in- ah, right on time!" Dumbledore exclaimed excitedly, motioning to the door.

Ron's eyes widened.

The man, or technically boy, who had walked into the classroom was not at all what he was expecting. Ron had definitely not been expecting a tall, dark boy with a fancy fade, bright yellow dress shirt with simple black smiley faces on it, pitch black slacks, a cold, dark stare being admitted by his deep golden eyes with a very intimidating sneer on his face.

But the thing Ron wasn't expecting the most was the unfortunate situation happening under the desk, in his pants. As well as the rapid rate his heart had started to beat.
"You alright?" Harry whispered over to him and Ron nodded aggressively, unbeknownst of what to do about his little situation.

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