Stop Staring

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"What the bloody hell is McGonagall thinking! Bringing that serial killer into a school full of children?!" Hermione hissed as they left the Great Hall. "I don't know? Maybe she and the Governor have a few screws loose?" Ron suggested and Hermione folded her arms and huffed. "I bet he undid those screws," Harry muttered And Ron laughed, a small giggle managing to bubble out of Hermione's throat. "And the worst is he's in our year!" She raged. "That means he'll be in our 8th year common room everyday! I don't want to have to sleep with a baseball bat under my pillow," she grimaced and Ron howled with laughter. "Calm down 'Mione. If they're letting him lessen his sentence than why would he do anything?" Harry asked after he stopped laughing. "You're probably right." She said. Ron and his friends walked up the steps towards the 8th year common room and Hermione opened the door. "Well, I'm going to unpack and try get some studying in. Goodnight boys," Hermione sighed, pecking Ron on the cheek. Both boys watched her go and Ron heaved a long sigh. "Will she ever stop reading?" He asked no one in particular and Harry shrugged before bumping into something. "Watch it Potter!" Came Draco Malfoy, the Trio's rival ever since entering the doors of Hogwarts all those years ago. "Shove off Malfoy! It was an accident," Harry spat and Parkinson rolled her eyes. "Let's go Draco." She whispered before taking his hand and walking away. "You don't know how glad I am to be shot of them once we graduate." Harry sighed, watching as the Slytherin Prince and Princess retreated. "Yeah," Ron murmured and he and Harry started walking to the shared boy's dormitory. All the 8th year boys shared a room since there weren't many, it's the same with the girls. They opened the door and were met with a room with two bunk beds inside. One side of the room was green and the other red. Malfoy was lounging in the top bunk of the green bunk beds and Ron and Harry moved to the red side. The two of them started talking about their summers on Ron's bed. But they froze when the door knob turned and The Flame Thrower walked in. He looked around the room, his eyes lingering on Ron once again before walking to the only bed that was available. He pulled out  something from his bag and Ron flinched. He heaved his trunk and walked towards his bed. He took out what looked like toiletries and walked silently towards the bathroom, closing the door behind him. When Ron and Harry heard the shower turn on, they all relaxed. "Merlin, how are we supposed to enjoy shit while he's here?" Harry asked and Ron shrugged. "Maybe we just ignore him?" He suggested and Harry narrowed his eyes. "Yes, but what if he doesn't ignore us?" He asked sceptically and Ron thought for a while. "Well, he seems to be ignoring everyone." He piped up and Harry couldn't help but agree. As the two of them continued to discuss about their summers, Ron enclined his head and cough a glimpse of Malfoy. He had his eyes fixedly glued to the bathroom door with the most calculating look even Hermione wouldn't be able to pull off. He stopped staring though, when the door opened and Flame walked out. He had on white, silk pants and long white socks. He had a towel draped over his shoulder and beads of water slowly fell away and disintegrated off his bare chest. Prior to Ron's words, they tried to ignore him but Ron couldn't stop staring. He looked to calm yet so angry as he walked to his bed. He obviously doesn't want to be in this position as much as everyone else wants him to be. He hung his towel on the wooden pillar of his bed, took out his phone, put it in his bedside table before climbing into his bed. "Ron! Mate, stop staring!" Harry hissed quietly and Ron shook his head quickly. "Right, sorry," he mumbled. Ron was too busy staring at the boy, he hadn't noticed that both Harry and Malfoy  were either getting in their beds or already sleeping. Ron climbed into his bed and made sure he was facing away from the Slytherin side of the room.

The next morning, Harry woke him up and he immediately grazed his eyes over The Flame Thrower's bed, sighing when he realized he wasn't there. He got dressed and walked with Harry into the purple common room. "Morning 'Mione," they said in unison and Hermione turned away from Parvati Patil with a smile. "Goodmorning! How was your first night with the human happiness vacuum?" She whispered and both boys snorted. "Better than excepted. He said and did nothing." Harry replied and Hermione narrowed her eyes. "Odd, anyway shall we go?" And with that, the Golden Trio walked to breakfast. The three of them sat down and started eating, quiet happy that The Flame Thrower was not there.

Flame Thrower (Blairon)Where stories live. Discover now