Monday Morning

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Hermione's POV

I woke up with a groan, blinking aggressively. It was Monday. As much as I didn't mind work, I didn't like Mondays. Why? Because every Monday morning Pansy Parkinson would give me a dumb pick up line. She's been doing this for two years now and you can imagine how irritating that can be. The girl across from me shifted in her bed and I lay still, trying not to wake her up. As much as Pansy was smart and productive, she was not a morning person. Specifically Monday mornings. I've noticed she's had the same routine since moving in with Blaise. She'd wake up precicly at 6:37, for some reason. She'd stay in bed with her face glued to her pillow for the next four minutes and then at 6:41, she'd get up to shower. At that point, I've already started breakfast. At quarter past seven, Pansy trudges out of our room, takes a blueberry muffin, a cup of coffee that I make her and she sits on the couch and watches the same episode of The Big Bang Theory. Why the same episode? I really don't know. She laughs at all the same places in the episode, munching merily on her muffin. She'd nearly spill her coffee on the same spot on the white leather couches every single time. Then at 7:45, Draco and Ron emerge from their own bedrooms. Pansy gives Draco a hug, runs like a soccer mom into Blaise's room to give him a hug, gets into her car and goes to work.

It's been like that for a few months now. And honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. But I could do without the pick up line. Every Monday morning she gives me the joke whilst I'm at work. You can imagine how awkward it is to look at my phone and snort in a room full of people coming in and out of The Archer. No, not the Archer in Tiny Pretty Things. The Archer is a paper company. They're a few around England, but I work in the Silverlake City branch. Yes, I am basically Pam from The Office. I'm a receptionist. Boring, I know. But I'm a receptionist for a reason. Receptionists hear everything. I hear everything. People at the Archer talk ALOT about politics. I'm slowly getting to know everyone who works at the Ministry, what they do, who they talk to and whether they're in league with the Boss or not. Who I'm still shocked is our old principal.

But that's my job. To listen.

How do you think Blaise found out what Eric Franklin and Primrose Sullivan had done? How Eric was abusing woman and Primrose was abusing children?


Word gets around quickly around the political field. How it gets to a paper company? I'll never know. But my job listening is going to help a lot of people suffering from the Boss' tyranny. She's driving our city into the ground. Distributing new drugs that are slowly making their way to into people's homes, to their children. How messed up is that?!

My aunt, Jean Granger. I was heartbroken when she was murdered by the Flame Thrower. And then I found out she was in charge of distributing this drug into common medicine. I loved her alot, she was more of a sister to me than an aunt. But I now don't wish Blaise had done any differently. Of course, I miss her alot. I think about it everyday. But I wouldn't have had it any other way.

This drug isn't like any other drug. They call it Dream. I kkow what you might be thinking. Dream, as in like the Incorporation Ron works for? Exactly like the incorporation Ron works for. Ron's beginning to think they're the ones that came up with the damn thing. And I'm starting to believe him. There's still more investigation to be done on where they're making the Dream but if one of us is able to find it, we might be able to shut the Ministry down for good.

"I am actually shocked,"

I blinked again and frowned. When the hell did I get from my bed to the kitchen. Making eggs?!

Pansy strutted into the room in a blood red pants suit. She looked great, as always. "What's shocking you?" I asked and she took her muffin, beaming when her eyes found her coffee mug. "You finally used a different pan to make your eggs," she said mockingly and I scoffed, narrowing my eyes whilst fighting a smile. "Aw, come on Granger. You've got to give me something! Even if it's just a hearty chuckle?" She grinned, creeping towards me. My eyes widened and I began to back up. But it was too late. She had grabbed a hold of my waist and began tickling me. My stomach was cramping I was giggling so hard. "P-Pansy s-stop!" I yelled, the increasing size of my smile making my cheeks hurt. "Not a chance!" She screeched back and I tried to get out of her grasp.


Pansy immediately let go of my waist when she heard Harry's voice. He was sipping tea, leaning against the fridge. A knowing look on his face. I fixed my clothes and tended to my eggs again, sighing gratefully at seeing that they weren't burnt. Pansy took her mug and muffin and made her way to the couch. Except this time, she watched The Office instead of The Big Bang Theory.

A large smile gracing her face.

Maybe Monday mornings aren't as bad as I thought?

Hushabee made me realize that a story isn't just about the main characters. So for the next few chapters you'll get to read what's going on in everybody else's lives. Blairon will return, just not for a bit😅

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