Ch 4 Section 2

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Back in Trotter's bar...

Angel and Dean each sat at a table, both with large burgers in front of them. Dean was digging in but Angel's burger, fires and beer were all untouched. She was hanging up her cell phone and looking at it speculatively as if she was just trying to reach someone. Sam came over from the bar with two beer refills for he and Dean as the latter stared at his sister worriedly.

"Something wrong?" Dean frowned between bites, "There's red meat within striking distance and you haven't touched anything."

"It's Richie. Somethings wrong." She groaned again when she tried his cell with no answer, "I mean, how many times am i gonna have to save his ass before he realizes hunting just isn't for him?"

"Ang, you're assuming he's missing." Sam shrugged, "I mean, maybe he just bailed."

"No, the guys a moron, a sweet moron, but he's far from a coward. He wouldn't just bail." Worriedly she pushed her plate away from her and got up, "I got to go find him. You two investigate Sams Trotter idea just to make sure all our corners are checked before we leave." She hurried off before either of them could stop her, "I'll call you guys when im done."

At Bobby's house...

Bobby was outside shooting at a target with the restored Colt, making adjustments after he fired. Suddenly, the demon Ruby appeared in front of the target when his head was down. He lifted his head and the gun to fire but faltered upon seeing her.

"Cute piece."

"Who are you?"

"It won't stop a demon, if that's what you think."

"How the hell would you know?"

"Oh, I don't know." Her eyes flashed black revealing she's a demon, "Call it an educated guess?"

"Well, ain't I lucky, then?" Bobby smirked as he readied the Colt, "Found a subject for a test fire."

Ruby chuckled, "Luck had nothing to do with it. But, hey, by all means." She posed in front of the target with her arms outstretched, "Take your best shot." At Bobby's hesitation Ruby sighed in exasperation, " Are you gonna stand there like a pantywaist, or are you gonna shoot-" In the next second, Bobby shot her in the chest and she looked down at the wound with a frown, "Ouch! That smarts a little."

Bobby studied her, tense, "What do you want?"

"Peace on earth." Ruby glared as she slowly advanced on him, "A new shirt." She stopped in front of him with her hands on her hips, "Now... do you want me to help you out with that gun or not? Hmm?"

Back in Trotters bar...

Angel nursed her scotch at the bar, waiting for her brothers, when a man sat next to her quietly. She was going to ignore him, as she wasn't in the mood, but she could feel his eyes on her so she turned and raised a questioning brow. It was the man she had made eyes with from across the bar earlier.

"So..." He turned to her in his seat, "Was that your boyfriend that played hero earlier?"

"Smooth." Angel smirked before sipping her scotch, "That was my brother, actually."

"Oh?" He smiled, "Lucky me."

"Is it?" Angel still didn't spare him another glance, "I don't remember saying I was interested."

"Wow." He grumbled, getting up to walk away, "Tease."

Angel rolled her eyes at that as Casey, the bartender, walked over to replenish her drink.

"Ouch." She smirked, "I don't think I've ever seen someone strike out so fast. Not interested?"

"Not in the slightest." Angel shrugged, "Actually, if you're asking, I'm more interested in the bartender."

"Oh?" She raised a brow, but the smirk was still prominent on her face, "Who says the bartender's available?"

"Good question. You got something going with a guy, you know, about yea tall, wears a sweatsuit and a fedora hat?"


Angel waved her off, "Nevermind, my mistake."

"You know... my shift is over." Casey smiled at her knowingly as she leaned on the table, "What do you say you and me get outta here and go have some fun?"

Angel smiled before getting up and following her out as the other bartender watched them leave.

Inside Casey's house...

Angel looked around curiously as Casey led her into the basement, "Well, this is homey." She turned and noticed Casey staring into one of the dark rooms in surprise at something, "You alright?"

Casey turned and shed her jacket before leaning in and kissing Angel softly, "Make yourself comfortable."

As Casey strolled into the back room and turned on the light, Angel spoke, "So, I should probably mention that Richie was a good friend of mine. When I couldn't get a hold of him, I tracked him through the GPS on his phone and surprise... Found him here and then gave him a proper burial. A hunter burial. It's better than rotting in some black-eyed-bitches creepy basement." Casey turned and launched herself at Angel but was stopped by an invisible barrier, "Oops." She peeled back the corner of the rug with her foot to reveal it was concealing a devil's trap she had drawn earlier, "Like I said, I dropped by earlier. What? You didn't think i'd come here empty handed did you? Tsk, tsk, tsk. That isn't how I do things, sweetheart. Now, how about I give you that one way ticket back home you deserve? Hm?"

Casey laughed, "I don't think so."

Ignoring her, Angel took out a book and began to read in Latin, "'Spiritus immunde, undolara. Pasonitote...'"

Casey closed her eyes as if meditating, and suddenly a breeze was blowing into Angel's face, and spinning the chandelier above Casey.

Angel recollects herself and continues, "'Spiritus immunde, undo-'"

The pages from Angel's book are pulled off by the mystical breeze. As she looked down at the book all the pages flew off before the book as well. Casey opened her eyes and smiled. Underneath the book, now on the floor, a giant crack formed before the bricks around the door caved in.

Angel looked around in irritation before turning to a laughing, pleased Casey, "Laugh all you want, bitch. You're still trapped."

"So are you... bitch."

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