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"Hold on." The blonde bit her lip as she stared at Tamara, "I like the girl."

The redheaded man smirked, "Wish I had me a girl like that."

The blonde smiled, "I can think of about a thousand things I'd like to do to her."

Isaac nearly growled, "You're not gonna lay one filthy finger on her!"

A man in a plaid shirt approached Isaac and put his arm around his shoulders, "I got something for you." He lifted a large bottle of drain cleaner, "Here. Have a drink on me, hm?"

Panic struck Tamara as Isaac took the bottle, "Isaac?"

The redheaded man bellowed with laughter, "On the house!"

Tamara screamed as the waitress restrained her, "Isaac!"

Isaac unscrewed the bottle and began pouring its contents down his throat. Tamara screamed for him in the background as the demons cackled wildly.

"Isaac, no! Baby, please!"

Isaac drained the bottle before his body began to convulse as he dropped the now empty bottle from his hands. He gagged in agony as foamy liquid and blood bubbled out through his mouth. He choked before collapsing to the floor, dead.

"Oh, he's down!" The redheaded man grinned as he turned to Tamara, "Alright, honey. Your turn!"

With a screech of tires, Bobby's car burst through the front door of the bar. Dean, Angel, Sam and Bobby all get out armed with holy water, which they fling violently into the crowd of demons. They back up allowing Sam to grab Tamara, who was still screaming frantically for Isaac.

"Come on, we got to go! He's dead! Get in the car!" Everyone shuffled back into the car except for Dean who was immersed in a fight with the red headed man, "Dean, come on! Dean, come on!"

Dean has entered combat with the demon and opened the trunk just as he ran out of holy water. The demon grinned, but Dean overpowered him and stuffed him in the trunk, which was inscribed with a devils trap.

As the demon screamed, Dean tumbled into the front seat of the car, "Go, go, go!"

They peeled out as the demons stared after them, black-eyed and panting.

Back at Isaac and Tamara's...

Angel glared at the Demon after securing him to a chair under a Devils Trap on the ceiling. She walked into the next room, just as an argument was ongoing.

Tamara looked at them murderously, "And I say we're going back- now!"

Sam put his hands up, "Just hold on a second!"

"I left my husband bloody on the floor!"

"Okay, I understand that, but we can't go back."

"Fine." She ground out, "Then you stay, but I'm heading back to that bar."

"I'll go with her." Angel offered as she walked in, "She won't be alone."

Dean and Sam both glared like she's lot her mind, "It's suicide!"

"And?" She scoffed, "I'm dead anyway, boys. Might as well do it on the job."

"So, what?" Dean walked over to her, angry, "How you gonna kill 'em? Can't shoot 'em. You can't stab 'em." He turned to Tamara as well, "They're not just gonna wait in line to get exorcised!"

"I don't care!"

Sam threw his hands up, "We don't even know how many of them there are!"

"Yeah, we do." Bobby said as he entered the room, "There's seven. Do you have any idea who we're up against?"

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now