Ch 12 Section 5

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In the Winchesters motel room...

Angel sat at one of the beds and leaned on the headboard as she blankly watched whatever was playing on the tv. Dean was watching her worriedly for the opposite bes as Sam talked on the phone.

"Thank you so much for the update. Okay, bye." Sam turned his siblings, earning both of their attention, "That was the hospital. Girl's been stabilized." He came to sit on the bed by Angels feet, "Good chance she's gonna pull through."

Angel nodded as her eyes blankly met his, "That's good."

She may pull through physically but Angel knew mentally shed never be the same.

"How 'bout you?" Dean asked softly, "You alright?"

"I'll be fine, boys. Don't worry." Angel nodded reassuringly as she looked between them, "Man, you two should've seen it. Our lives." She motioned between them, "You were much more of an ass and you were such a wussy."

Sam chuckled as he looked from Dean to her, "So the three of us didn't get along then, huh?"

"No..." She shook her head before leaning it on the headboard, "Not really."

Dean frowned as he watched the sadness cloud her eyes, "I thought it was supposed to be this perfect fantasy."

"It wasn't." She looked away from them as she focused her eyes back on the tv, "It was just a wish. I wished for Mom to live. Mom never died, we never went hunting and the three of us just never... you know."

"Well, I'm glad we do." Sam nodded as she and Dean looked over to him, "And I'm glad you dug yourself out, Ang. Most people wouldn't've had the strength, would have just stayed."

"Yeah..." Angel's eyes read uncertainty, "You know, you had Jess. Dean you were Lisa. I was married with a son." Both of their eyes widened at that as she continued, "Mom had grandkids... and i wasn't..."

"Yeah, but... Angel..." Sam squeezed her leg in comfort, "It wasn't real."

"I know it wasn't, but... I wanted to stay." Sadness filled her as her eyes became almost lost, "I wanted to stay so bad. I mean, I've got two months with you two. All I can think about is how much this job's cost us most of the time." She paused as tears and despair filled her eyes, "And how terrified I am."

"Hey." Dean got up to kneel in front of her before he took her into a strong hug, "We're going to save you, Ang. We are." She squeezed her eyes shut as the tears silently streamed down her face, not very confident that they would, "I promise you we are."

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