Ch 13 Section 2

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Angel was sprinting through the woods as she gasped for air, running for her life. Her fear spiked as she heard the familiar growl of a hellhound in front of her. Stopping her panicked fleeing, she stopped and gaped at its gruesome face. Unable to move she stood for a couple beats staring at it in horror. The blood pumping through her body was all that she could hear as she waited to get attacked. Suddenly Angel turned and bolted the opposite was she was running before as she screamed for her brothers. The hellhound was hot on her trail and it suddenly tripped her by the ankles. It flipped her over and tore into her as it growled and barked angrily. She screamed and wailed in agony as blood splattered her face and the surrounding trees.

Angel then jerked awake in bed as she gasped for breath. Her entire body was covered in sweat and her heart was beating erratically. Her green eyes shifted around the dingy cabin as she slowly realized where she was and that the previous scene around her was nothing but a nightmare. One of a many she's been having lately as the hours to her mortality ticked by. She sat up on the bed and wiped her face of the sweat there before her eyes shifted to the nightstand. A book she was reading before she fell asleep laid open. A book about hellhounds. She picked it back up and studied the picture it held of them. Not the prettiest things in the world with faces and bodies made out of humans remain.

"Ang?" Asa knocked on the door before coming in followed by Sam and Dean, "We've got some decent news."

"Yeah?" She put her feet on the floor before setting the book down and wiping her face again, "What is it?"

Sam eyed the book and then her with soft eyes, "Dig up anything good?"

"No. Not good." She cleared her throat, not looking any of them in the face, "What's your news?"

Dean explained as he took a seat across from her, "Bobby found a way to find Lilith."

"Yeah? With just uh-" Angel looked at the watch around her wrist with haunted eyes, "Thirty hours to go." She managed a smile, "You know, we could just high tail it reno or vegas or someplace for a last hoorah, boys. Live it up together while we can."

"What, like a TJ run?" Dean added with a smile, "Senoritas, cervezas, uh... What's Spanish for 'donkey show'?"

Sam snickered as he took a seat next to Dean and looked at Angel, "So if we do save you... Let's never do that."

She forced a laugh, "Yeah..."

"How about after we save you then we do go to Vegas?" Asa offered as he sat next to her and tried to rub her back as soothingly as he could, "Black Jack and liquor seem like a good reward for killing the queen of crossroads."

She studied Asas face sadly, memorizing it almost, "Sounds like you've got it all worked out..."

"Might've given it some thought."

As she looked away from him quickly Sam studied the worry and fear on her face, "Hey..." He sighed, "I know we're cutting it close, but we're gonna get this done."

"We will, Ang." Dean squeezed her knee, "It doesn't matter what it takes. You're not gonna go to hell. We're not gonna let that happen." She looked up at that, her eyes bouncing between them, "I swear, everything's gonna be okay."

"You know..." She managed a little laugh, although it held no genuine humor, "I'm the big sister. I'm supposed to tell you that."

When her eyes met Deans again fear ripped through her at the sight of his face completely distorted. It was almost flinging to the sides at a rapid pace as it stretched. Almost immediately he changed back to the normal Dean again, showing that she was just having a hallucination. Her wide terror filled eyes locked back down to the floor boards quickly before she could have another one.

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