Ch 6 Section 4

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At the factory...

As the three of them entered the factory Angel was in the front with the Colt drawn as her brothers flanked her. They got a few feet inside when they spotted the hostage tied to a metal pipe whimpering for them.

"Hey, we got you." Sam comforted as Angel and Dean untied her, "Don't worry. We're gonna get you out of here." Sam helped her up, "Get up." He put a hand above her so she didn't hit herself on the low roof, "Watch your head. Watch your head."

The woman was sobbing and could barely walk, so Dean slung her arm over his shoulders and picked her up.

"Sam." Angel turned when she followed Dean, "Stay close to us, alright?"

Sam nodded and followed the three of them closely, but not closely enough. A mechanized door suddenly slid down in front of Sam, cutting him off from the others.

Angel whirled around, "Sam!"

"Angel!" Sam hit the door, "Dean!"

Dean put the hostage down and the three of them pounded and kicked at the door to no avail.

Dean looked at the door frantically for a way to open it, "Damn it, Sam!"

Sam pounded the door one last time in frustration, then turned and walked away from it, eyes darting around.

"Sammy!" Angel yelled, "Be careful!"

On Sam's side, the lights went out suddenly and he froze. He brought his machete up, and started creeping around with his other arm held out blindly.

"Gordon!" He yelled, "You got me where you want me. You might as well come out and fight!"

Gordon appeared behind him, "I'm right here, Sam." Sam swung his machete but it swished through the air and didn't make contact as Gordon chuckled, "What's the matter, Sammy?"

"So, this is really the way you want to do it, huh?"

"Damn right I do." Gordon watched with his vampiric infrared vision as Sam felt his way around the pitch black room, "You have no idea what I faced to get here. I lost everything. My life. But it's worth it, 'cause I'm finally gonna kill the most dangerous thing I ever hunted. You're not human, Sam."

Sam scoffed, "Look who's talking."

"You're right." Gordon continued to stalk Sam as he whirled about in the dark, "I'm a bloodthirsty killer."

"Don't talk about it like you don't have a choice."

"I don't."

"Yes, you do, Gordon. You didn't kill that girl."

"No, I didn't. I did something much, much worse."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door Dean was hacking away at the locked chains that were stopping them from opening the sliding door.

Angel shook her head, "We gotta find another way..." She turned slightly just in time to see the hostage vamp out and go for Dean who had his back turned, "Dean!"

Angel pushed him out of the way so the girl attacked her. The vampire girl grabbed Angel and catapulted her across the room into metal shelves, knocking her unconscious and sending the Colt tumbling away from her. Dean dodged the vamps' next attack before retrieving the Colt and firing a single bullet into her forehead. She convulsed, energy crackling, and slumped to the floor dead.

Dean ran over to his sister and cringed at the blood dripping down her forehead, "Ang?" He shook her a little but she was out cold, "Ang!"

Back with Sam, the youngest Winchester was still feeling around blindly as Gordon taunted him.

"I got to hand it to you, Sam. You got a lot of people fooled, but see, I know the truth. I know what it's like. We're the same now, you and me. I know how it is walking around with something evil inside you. It's just too bad you won't do the right thing and kill yourself. I'm gonna... as soon as I'm done with you. Two last good deeds. Killing you, and killing myself."

While Gordon was talking, Sam had been backing himself into a corner, facing him. Gordon attacked, sending them both flying through the wall that had been separating them from Angel and Dean. The impact briefly knocked the machete out of Sam's hand but he picked it up again, as Gordon picked Sam up and flung him across the room.

Dean came up from behind and pointed the Colt at Gordon's head, but Gordon was too fast for him. He grabbed Dean's gun-arm, flung him across the room, then pinned him against the wall and sank his teeth into Dean's neck.

Sam picked himself up in time to see this, "No!"

He charged Gordon and clocked him across the back of the neck. Gordon turned away from Dean and knocked Sam down, then slammed him across a worktable. Sam managed to grab a piece of cloth and an end of razor wire in each hand. As Gordon pinned him down again Sam wrapped the razor wire around Gordons neck and pulled. Gordon began to choke out a death-rattle, and Sam glared as he grit his teeth and pulled harder. Blood dripped from his hands where the razor wire was cutting in, and yet he pulled harder, until he cut all the way through Gordons neck and sent his head tumbling. He panted from the effort, stared down at Gordons head on the ground, and examined his own bloody hands.

Angel, who had staggered to her feet during the fight, walked over and helped up a groaning and coughing Dean as he clutched his neck in pain. The both of them look down in surprise at the headless Gordon, then back up at Sam, who shrugged. The three of them then stumble off together, neither of them moving very well.

"So..." Angel grimaced at the pounding in her head, "You just charged a super-vamped-out Gordon with no weapon. Tad reckless, don't you think?"

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