Ch 3 Section 2

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Dean laid out 6 scratch cards on the hood of the Impala as he calculated their winnings giddily, "Oh, man!"

Angel turned to him with a glare and she spoke to Bobby on the phone, "Shush." She sighed heavily, "Bobby, we didn't know it was cursed."

"You let your brother touch it? Damn it, Angel!"

"I didn't let him do anything. It was a gut reaction to almost being murdered by a bunch of luck drunk idiots, and Dad never told us about this thing, alright? I mean, he and I have gone on dozens of hunts together, just us, and he never mentioned having a storage place in Black Rock. Did you know about it?"

"His lockup? Yeah, I knew. Hell I built those curse boxes for him. Listen, you three have got a serious problem. Especially Sam."

Beside her, as Angel listened to Bobby, Sam noticed something shining under a newspaper on the ground. It was a gold watch. Angel glared at him to leave it be as Bobby continued.

"That rabbit's foot ain't no dime store notion. It's real Hoodoo, Old World stuff. Made by a Baton Rouge conjure woman about a hundred years ago."

Angel shook her head at the gold watch on the ground, "So far it's been one hell of a luck charm for Sam."

"It's not a luck charm, it's a curse! She made it to kill people, Angel! See, you touch it, you own it. You own it, sure, you get a run of good luck to beat the Devil. But, you lose it, that luck turns. It turns so bad that you're dead inside a week."

"Alright so we just make sure Sam keeps the damn thing. Simple. He won't lose it."

"Everybody loses it!"

"Okay, alright." Angel sighed heavily again, stressed, "How the hell do we break the curse, Bobby?"

He sighed just as heavily, "I don't know if you can."

Angel flinched turning away from her brothers, "Bobby we have to. We have to figure out a way. This is my brother. He's not dying like this. Not after-" Her breath caught and she cleared her throat of emotion, "Just... are you sure there's no way?"

Bobby quieted for a moment before his voice sounded again, "Lemme look through my library and make some calls. You three just sit tight."

Bobby ended the call and Angel turned back to her brothers.

Dean grinned, "Ang, we're up fifteen grand!"

"Great..." She gave him a half smile looking worried, "Uh, let's just go eat. I'll explain everything Bobby said."

After she explained they entered the restaurant as Dean patted Sam on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Bobby'll find a way to break it. Until then I say we hit Vegas, pull a little Rain Man." He smirked, "You can be Rain Man."

"No." Angel dismissed, "We're laying low until Bobby comes up with something so that means no Vegas and no more scratchers. No more using the cursed rabbit's foot, understood?"

"Alright, jeeze." Dean put his hands up, "I'm on bored, Moody Judy, i'm on bored."

"Okay..." She glared, "What the hell have i told you about using that stupid nickname?"

Sam smiled embarrassed at the restaurant owner at their bickering before laughing, "Hi, uh, table for three please."

The owner grinned excitedly at them, "Congratulations!"

As an alarm went off Dean gave him a weird look, "It's exciting, I know."

"You are the one millionth guest of the Biggerson's Restaurant family!"

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now