Ch 12 Section 3

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Back at the Winchesters house...

After collecting what she could in her own house, Angel found herself scouring her moms house for the remaining supplies she needed. A little less quietly than she had intended when she noisily clinked the glass china together upon moving it. Creaking behind her alerted the hunter to an oncoming attack that she quickly dodged. She grabbed the bat in the man's hand and quickly swept his legs to bring him to the floor with a painful thud.

"Howdy, Sammy." Angel breathed out as she grinned from above her little brother, "That was so easy I'm embarrassed for you."

"Angel?" Confusion filled his face as he looked up at her, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Angel got up to stand, letting him up off the floor and out of her pin, "I left my purse here."

"In the china cabinet?" Sam then turned on the light and saw the box with their parents' silverware on the floor open, "That's Mom's silver."

Angel sighed as she cocked an eyebrow at him, "It appears that it is."

"What, you..." Even more confusion filled his face, "You broke into the house... to steal Mom's silver?"

"No! Maybe." She huffed and rolled her eyes, not wanting to get further into it, "Look, I didn't have a choice, Sam."

"Really?" He scoffed as he walked back over to her, "What's so damn important you gotta steal from your own mother?"

"I didn't have any real silver at my house and this is the only other place I could think to look, alright?"

"Okay, what the hells going on, Angel? Hm? Dean owes another bookie or something and he asked you to clean up the mess?"

"Sure, let's go with that. Look, Sammy..." Angel sighed deeply as she met his eyes, "I'm sorry. I really am. I'm sorry the three of us don't get along. That we're so distant and... and messed up. With everything in me I wish that I could stay and fix it, but I can't. I gotta do this." She nodded at him before turning and retrieving one knife from the box, "People's lives depend on it."

Sam frowned again, his voice softening, "What are you talking about, Ang?

"Nothing." Angel turned back and studied him for a long beat, "Just uh... tell Mom I love her, would you?" Passing him, she squeezed his arm, "Ill see you, Sammy."

Sam frowned, seeing all the emotion in his sister's eyes and knowing that something was up. As she walked out the door, she took one last look at the house and Sam. Still standing in the living room where Angel left him, confusion flooded the youngest Winchester as he listened to the Trans-Ams engine start. Angel was just about to pull away from the house when the passenger door opened and Sam got in the car.

"No, uh-uh." Angel pointed to the door, "Get out of the car, Sam."

"I'm going with you."

"No, you're not, Sam. You're just gonna slow me down."


"This is dangerous and you could get hurt!"

"Yeah, and so could you, Angel." When she went to argue again he cut her off, "Look, I dont know whats going on or the reason behind whatever stupid thing you're about to do. What I do know is that you're my sister and the mother of my nephew so I'm not letting you do it alone. And that's that."

"Fine. Okay." Angel sighed at him but couldn't help the little smile that fluttered across her lips as she put the car in gear and drove off, "But youre taking my lead, little brother, so listen to what i say to do when i say to do it."

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