Ch 8 Section 2

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At Amanda's house...

Dena and Sam picked the lock to the front door and entered as Angel and Asa took the back. All four of them had their guns as they slowly walked through the house. They entered the living room simultaneously to find Amanda lifeless on the table covered in blood. The flames from her candles were still burning, so they found her shortly after she died.

Dean stared at her body with wide eyes, "That's a curveball."

"I'll say." Angel sighed as she walked over to Amanda's body and lifted her right arm with the barrel of her AE before doing the same to her other arm, "Three per wrist, vertical."

Asa shook his head, "She wasn't foolin' around."

"Yeah..." Sam put his gun in the back of his jeans and bent down to look at the scattered remnant of the altar, holding his nose to the smell of the burnt rotten food, "Looks like she was working some heavyweight evil here."

"Yep." Dean turned then jumped back, startled, when he nearly walked into a dead rabbit, hanging from the ceiling, "God! Freakin' witches! Seriously man, come on!"

Sam cocked an eyebrow, "Guess we know where she got the rabbit's teeth from."

"Well..." Angel looked from the dead rabbit back to Amanda's dead body, "Mr. Paul seems to have an acquired taste in women. If you're into that whole Fatal Attraction thing."

"You know, why does the rabbit always get screwed in the deal?!" Dean turned back to the dead thing with a sad frown, "The poor little guy."

"This... this doesn't make any sense." Asa frowned as he shuffled around the room, "If she wanted revenge so badly what does killing herself do?"

"Well, she got Janet Dutton, thought she finished off Paul, decided to cap herself and make it a spurned lover's hat-trick."

"Asas right..." Sam said as he looked under the glass table that Amanda was on, "Somethings off."

"Guys, this doesn't exactly look like the TV room of a bright and stable person, you know?"

"No, but then..." Sam reached around and pulled out another hex bag that was tucked under the table before standing and tossing it to Dean, "There's this."

"Another hex bag? Come on!" He opened it to find similar contents of the bag they found in Janet's bathroom and he tossed it on the table before he pulled out his phone, "Looks like we got a hit, huh? A little witch-on-witch violence?" The three of them nodded as they shared puzzled looks and Dean dialed a number before holding the phone up to his ear, "I'd like to report a dead body, 309 Mayfair Circle. My name? Yeah, sure my name is-" He clicked the phone shut, cutting himself off, before looking back at the group, "Why are witches ganking each other?"

"Who knows." Angel sighed as she led them outside, "But this means we're probably dealing with a coven."


Later on in Amanda's neighborhood...

One of Amanda's neighbors, Elizabeth Higgins, was knelt down turning the soil of her garden with a small trowel. She didn't notice as Angel and Asa walked up her driveway to question her.

"Wow those flowers are beautiful." Angel studied the blooming white flowers before she turned to the woman, "You must have a green thumb."

"Excuse me?"

"Those are Coneflowers. They usually only bloom midsummer. When the sun is full. Sorry, should've introduced myself first." Angel reached into the pocket of her pants suit and took out a badge, "I'm uh, Detective Bachman, this is Detective Turner."

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