Ch 13 Section 5

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Sam reached the house first and immediately started picking the lock on the front door. Angel, Ruby and Dean hurriedly came up behind him, looking towards the lawn as more demons ran after them.

Dean frowned as he watched the demons get closer and closer, "What the hell is taking Bobby?"

"Sam!" Angel looked down at her little brother as he continued to have problems picking the lock, "Jesus christ!"

"I'm trying!"

Suddenly as one demon reached the lawn the sprinklers turned on. She began to flail and scream as the water burned her skin. The Winchesters all grin as the rest of the demons stopped just short of the sprinklers before they could get touched. Sam finally got the door open and the four of them hurry inside. They stopped when they were met with a decomposing body on the floor.

Dean looked up from the body with a grimace, "You think Lilith knows we're here?"

Ruby scoffed, "Probably."

Sam led the group into the living room, holding the knife out at the ready. Ruby was behind him, then Angel closely followed by Dean. As they were walking a creak sounded and Dean swung around. He instantly captured a fleeing Mr. Fremont, the father of the little girl Lilith possessed. Dean put a hand over the man's mouth as he turned them around to face Angel, Sam and Ruby.

Dean made shushing sounds to make Mr. Fremont be quiet and calm down before whispering to him, "We're here to help, okay? I'm gonna move my hand, and we're gonna talk nice and quiet, alright?"

Mr. Fremont nodded his head hurriedly so Dean slowly removed his hand.

"Sir." Angel looked him in the eye, "Where's your kid?"

"Its not..." He shook his head frantically, "It's not her anymore."

"Where is she?"

"Upstairs. In her bedroom."

"Okay, okay." Dean whispered, "Listen to me. I want you to go downstairs to the basement. Put a line of salt at the door behind you. Do you understand me?"

He shook his head, "Not without my wife."

"Yes, without your wife."


Dean punched his lights out since they couldn't waste anymore time and picked him up to heave him over his shoulder. He gave the others a look before walking away. The remaining three walked upstairs, backs against the wall and as stealthy as possible. Sam was in the lead with the knife in front of him. When they reached the top of the stairs Angel split off from them one way as Ruby walked into a door at their right.

Sam started slowly for the door to the left. He leaned in against the closed door, trying to listen to any sign of life or Lilith. After a beat he quickly slipped in and walked slowly into the room, the knife out in front of him. He saw a bed with a canopy and two people lying on it: Mrs. Fremont and the little girl Lilith possessed. Sam slowly made his way around the bed while keeping his eyes glued to them and shifting the knife in his hand so it was in a stabbing position. As quietly and slowly as possible, he pushed the canopy aside and made eyes with a petrified Mrs. Fremont. Lilith was still nuzzled into her shoulder fast asleep as the woman breathed heavily in fear.

"Do it." She frantically whispered and Sam slowly raised the knife as he stared at the sleeping child Lilith has possessed once she stirred a little, "Do it." Sam tried to collect himself and prepare for what he had to do, "Do it!" Lilith moved a little, apparently starting to wake up as Mrs. Fremont got more and more panicked and as Sam was trying to pull himself to the point of stabbing the little girl, "Do it! Do it!" Lilith woke up just then, and started to rise on the bed, eyes hardly opened, "Hurry!"

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