Ch 1 Section 4

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"Tamara! I got away, but I'm hurt bad! I need help!"

"It's not him." Bobby assured her, "It's one of those demons. It's possessing his corpse."

"Baby!" Isaac pounded on the door, "Why won't you let me in? You left me behind back there. How could you do that? We swore... At that lake in Michigan, remember? We swore we would never leave each other!"

Tamara sobbed, "How did he know that?"

"There's a demon in him, Tamara." Angel met her eye, "Whatever Isaacc knows that thing knows."

"Steady, Tamara..." Bobby nodded in agreement as he consoled her, "Steady..."

"You just gonna leave me out here? You just gonna let me die?! I guess that's what you do, dear! Like that night those things came to our house... came... for our daughter! You just let her die, too."

Tamara screamed, "You son of a bitch!"

Before anyone could stop her she pushed the door open, breaking the salt line, and tackled Isaac down the steps. She landed on top of him and raised the Palo Santo stake.

"You're not Isaac!"

She plunged the wood deep into his chest. It sizzled as the demon screamed. The other six demons crossed the broken salt line and entered the house one by one.

An overweight balding guy corners Bobby, who backed up slowly. He stalked Bobby confidently, smiling, until he stopped as if he'd run into an invisible wall. He looked around, confused, until he realized he was under a ceiling-devil's-trap. His eyes met Bobbys, pleading.

Bobby smiled, "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son." Then he began reading the exorcism, "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica..."

In one hallway, Dean was cornered by the blonde, Lust. As they fought she advanced on him and backed him into a bathroom.

He looked her over, "I suppose you're Lust."

"Baby..." She smirked, black eyes and all, "I'm whatever you want me to be."

"Yeah, alright." Dean rolled his eyes, "Just stay back."

"Or what?"

"... Good point."

"I'm not gonna hurt you- not yet. Not unless you want me to."

She ran a hand along his shoulder suggestively. Dean looked down at her, then fell into her embrace before they began kissing passionately. Dean started backing up, still kissing her, until he hit a shower curtain. In one move he flipped them around, pulled open the shower curtain, and plunged her face-first into the bathtub. It was filled with holy water. She screamed in agony and the whole room shook with the voice of her demonic scream.

In the opposite hallway, the bouncer to the bar, Wrath, advanced on Angel with a delicious grin.

"Angel Winchester." He deeply inhaled, "My oh my... so much anger little girl." He grinned evilly, "I was hoping i'd get to meet you before you got dragged down to the pit. Guess I got my wish."

"Pleasures mine, really." She glared, "So... Wrath I'm assuming?"

He nodded and instantly blocked her from throwing holy water at him, hitting the flask out of her hand. Readying herself she twisted to kick at him but he caught her thigh and easily lifted her up throwing her through a wall straight into a room. Wood and plaster covered her and she coughed from the dust. She hurriedly slid herself back when he walked through.

"I'm going to enjoy this."

Taking a step closer he was blocked from coming any closer by an invisible wall. Looking up he saw he was blocked by a devils trap, and growled.

"Not as much as i am, babe." She grinned, getting up from the floor, and starting the exorcism, "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica..."

Upstairs, a demon kicked the door in clear across the room. Sam turned around as the demon, a young man in a business suit, entered.

"Here's Johnny!"

He advanced confidently as Sam backed up; then stopped, holding up a hand to hold back the two demons flanking him. He looked up to the devil's trap on the ceiling and smirked,

"Come on. You really think something like that is gonna fool someone like me? I mean, me?"

"Let me guess..." Sam scoffed lightly, "You're Pride."

Pride grinned and gestured to the ceiling. A long splitting crack appeared, destroying the symbol.

"The root of all sin, and you... are Sam Winchester. That's right, I've heard of you. We've all heard of you. The prodigy. The boy king. Looking at you now, I got to tell you- don't believe the hype. You think I'm gonna bow to a cut-rate, piss-poor human like you? I have my pride, after all. And now with your yellow-eyed friend dead, I guess I don't really have to do a damn thing, now do I?" Sam looked on nervously, eyeing all three of them, "You're fair game now, boy, and it's open season."

Pride knocked Sam to the ground, then pulled him up with an arm wrapped around his throat and began strangling him. The mysterious young blonde woman from before appeared, a knife strapped to her right thigh. She pulled the knife out, grit her teeth, and slashed the throat of the first demon, Gluttony. Fiery light appeared in the cut before he collapsed to the ground- dead.

Greed, the waitress from the bar, turned towards her and growled, "You!"

The blonde turned to Greed who punched her twice. She was knocked away but quickly recovered and rushed towards Greed, plunging the knife into its chest, pulling upwards towards her chain. Pride let Sam go to tackle the blonde, but Sam pulled him away and punched him in the face, putting him right into the path of the woman's knife. She plunged it into his neck and upward into his mouth. He gargled, opening his mouth and showing the knife in it before collapsing in a shower of sparks and demonic energy.

Sam panted, looking at her confused to all hell, "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm the girl that just saved your ass."

"Well..." He huffed before cocking his head at her, "I just saved yours, too."

She chuckled, "See you around, Sam."


He ran into the hall to follow her, but she was already gone.

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now