Ch 4 Section 4

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Back in the basement...

"Kind of funny, don't you think?" Casey grinned, "You and me sitting here like a couple of regular folk."

"Oh, it's hilarious." Angel smirked, "You know, if you're into that dark apocalyptic humor."

"You're alright, Angel." Casey smirked as Angel scoffed, "The others don't describe you that way, but, you know, you're- you're likable."

"Guess we found my title in the group then, huh?" Angel raised a brow, "The Likeable One."

"That deal you made to save Sam... A lot of others would mock you for it, think it was weak or stupid. I don't."

"Honestly?" Angel asked, continuing when Casey nodded, "It's actually been kind of liberating..." She sighed sadly, "What's the point in worrying yourself to death about a future, when you don't have one?"

"Still, a year left. You're not scared?" Angel shook her head, earning a head tilt from Casey, "Not even a little?"

"Nah..." Angel spoke after the briefest of hesitations, "Winchesters don't get scared, babe."

Later on...

With a sigh, Casey stretched languorously on the floor. She turned her head and smiled when she noticed Angel checking her out from where she sat.

"Why, Angel, if I didn't know better, I'd say that was lust in your eyes." Angel smirked at that, "Well, it would be one way to spend the time..." With another sigh she moved so she was laying on her side staring at the blond, "But I don't think you'd respect me in the morning."

"Hey, that's fine..." Angel winked, "I barely respect you now." Casey giggled at that, earning a smile from Angel, "You mind if I ask you a question?"

"For you?" Casey motioned, "I'm an open book, Angie, ask away."

"So, the gate opened and the, uh, the demon army was let out. What's next? You guys got some big, honking plan in the works or somethin'? Whats the hold up?"

"Honestly, there was a plan. Azazel was a tyrant, but... he held us all together."


"You think his friends just called him 'yellow eyes'? He had a name. After you did him in, it all fell apart."

Angel smiled, "Can't say i'm sorry about that one. What, you guys don't have a chain of command lined up to prepare for that sort of thing?"

"There was. It was Sam." Angels brows furrowed at that, "Sam was supposed to be the grand pooh-bah and lead the big army, but... he hasn't exactly stepped up to the plate, has he?"

"Thank God for that."

Casey scoffed, "Again with God. You think this is a good thing? Now you've got chaos, a war without a front, hundreds of demons all jockeying for power, all fighting for the crown. Most of them gunning for your brother." Angel frowned as she spoke, "For the record, I was ready to follow Sam."

Outside the home, Dean's Impala pulled up and the three men hurriedly got out and started walking towards the home.


"Angel, can you hear us?!"

Angel heard her brothers and looked up, earning a frown from Casey, "Looks like you win."

The boys began pounding on door as Angel got up, "Angel!" They pounded harder, "Angel, you in there?"

Dean turned to Father Gil, "Check that way."

The three of them split up in different directions around the house.

"Sam! Dean!"

The two of them stopped when they heard her voice, Sam calling out, "Angel?"

Relief flooded the blonde, "Sammy, down here! The basement caved in!"

The two of them leaned over a grate, "Angel." Dean sighed in relief, "You alright? You hurt?"

"No, no, I'm fine."

"Alright, just hold on, okay? We're gonna get you outta there."

"You two alone?"

"We're here with the Father."

Angel glanced back at Casey, whose lips parted as she listened. Angel couldn't tell if it was from excitement or not. It was hard to read her exactly.

Angel quickly turned back to her brother, "Boys, be careful."

The two of them eye her before nodding and getting up. They walked around the house and turned the corner to see Father Gil standing there with black eyes. Dean stopped Sam from walking any further and backed him up as the Father walked towards them.

In the beat of a second a shot was fired just past Father Gil's head, destroying a small statute. The Father whipped around to see Bobby, and then used his powers to fling him aside. He then threw Sam and Dean in different directions. Dean hit the side of the house, destroying another statue, and Sam got catapulted into the windshield of the Impala.

Father Gil left and blew off the door of Casey's home before entering it. Sam, with a pained groan, rolled off the hood of the car and rushed to where Dean was lying still on the ground.

"Dean!" He quickly shook him, rousing him, "Dean, you good?"

"Yeah, i'm good." He brushed him off as he groaned in pain, "Go, go... I'm good."

Sam then hurried over to Bobby, "Bobby, you alright?"

He nodded, "Yeah."

"How did you know where we-"

Bobby quickly shoved the rebuilt Colt into his hands, "Go!"

Sam took it and stood, looking over to where Ruby suddenly appeared, "You heard the man. Go."

Back in the basement...

As loud forceful bangs shoved the stones aside, Angel looked nervously toward Casey who seemed anticipatory. Father Gil smashed in through the cave-in. As soon as he saw Angel he pointed a finger and she went flying backwards, hitting the stone walls with a painful thud.

Casey looked at the Father who had begun to approach her, "Stop!"

She pointed to the devil's trap and the Father knelt before slamming his fist down, cracking the floor and breaking the devil's trap. After breaking it, he stood and stepped into the circle to be embraced by Casey before they began to kiss passionately.

Angel struggled to her feet, pushing off the barrels that landed on her, and gave them a revolted look once she saw what was happening, "You two?"

"For centuries." The Father answered, "We've been to hell and back, literally."

Casey turned to him, "Leave her be." Father Gil instantly grabbed Angel by the throat and lifted her up as Casey grabbed onto his arm, "Don't kill him. Let's just go." She looked from the Father to Angel sadly, "Please."

Sam appeared just then and shot Father Gil with the Colt making him drop Angel to the ground. Lightning emitted from and circled the Father before he twitched, and then fell dead. Sam then pointed the Colt at Casey.

"Sam, wait!"

But Sam shoots her, and lightning emitted from Casey before she fell dead beside the Father. Both of their bodies laid lifeless and no longer possessed on the broken devil's trap. Angel stared at her brother as he slowly lowered the Colt, and the bodies bled out.

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