Ch 5 Section 2

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As Bela impersonated a reporter, she interviewed the distraught brother of the victim who died the previous night, Mr. Warren.

"I am so sorry for your loss, Mr. Warren. Now, if you could just tell me one more time about the ship your brother saw."

The Winchesters approached, wearing suits and flashing badges interrupting her, "Ma'am, I think this man's been through quite enough." Dean dismissed, "You should go."

"But I just have a few more quest-"

"No." Sam interjected, "You don't."

Bela shots daggers at the three of them before nodding to Mr. Warren, "Thank you for your time."

"Sorry you had to deal with that." Dean raised his voice so Bela could hear what he was saying, "They're like roaches."

"So..." Angel sighed, leading Mr. Warren away as Bela turned around to glare, "We heard you say your brother saw a ship?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"Did he tell you what it looked like?"

"It was, uh... like the old Yankee clippers. A smuggling vessel. The rakish topsail, a barkentine rigging. An angel figurehead on the bow."

Sams brow went up, "That's a lot of detail for a ship your brother saw."

"My brother and I were night diving. I saw the ship, too."

The three all give each other grim looks as Bela, on the other side of the parking lot, talked to the real cops. As she pointed over to the Winchesters, Sam noticed and nudged them along so they could wrap up.

"Alright." Dean nodded, "Well, we'll be in touch."


At the back of the woods the three of them loaded their shotguns at the trunk of the Impala as Bela approached from behind, "I see you got your car back."

Dean stopped, "You really want to come near me when I got a loaded gun in my hands?"

"Now, now. Mind your blood pressure. Why are you even still here? You have enough to I.D. the boat."

Angel regarded her, "Mr. Warren saw the ship."


"And, he's going to die." Sam explained, "So we have to save him."

"How sweet."

Dean scoffed at her smile, "You think this is funny?"

"He's cannon fodder." She rolled her eyes, "He can't be saved in time, and you know it."

"Yeah, well, see, we have souls, so... we're gonna try."

"Yeah, well, I'm actually going to find the ship and put an end to this." Bela snarked out to Dean, "But you three have fun."

As they were about to get into the Impala, the three of them paused.

Angel studied Dean's tight irate face, "Dean... just let it go."

Ignoring her, he strided over to the brit, "Hey, Bela, how'd you get like this, huh? What, did Daddy not give you enough hugs or something?"

"I don't know." Bela glared, "Your daddy give you enough? Don't you dare look down your nose at me. You're not better than I am."

"We help people."

"Come on." She scoffed, "You do this out of vengeance and obsession. You're a stone's throw from being a serial killer. Whereas I, on the other hand, I get paid to do a job and I do it. So, you tell me- which is healthier?"

"We've got work to do and we don't need you screwing it up, Bela." Angel came over and dragged Dean back to the Impala as she glared at the other woman, "So why don't you just hit the road?"

"Yeah." She scoffed again, "You're 0 for 2. Bang-up job so far."

Outside Peter Warren's house...

As Sam shuffled through his research papers, Dean looked him over, "Anything good?"

"No, not really. I mean, both brothers are Duke University grads. No criminal record aside from a few speeding tickets. They inherited their father's real estate fortune six years ago."

Angel studied the house, "How much?"

"$112 million."

Dean whistles, "Nice life."

"Yeah. I mean, nice, clean, aboveboard, so why did they see the ship? Why Sheila, too? What do they all have in common?"

Angel shrugged, "Could be a coincidence, Sammy."

"No. There's always something."

Meanwhile, Peter has spotted them from the window and was hurrying out of his house headed straight for them.

"Hey!" He yelled as he stopped inside his security gate, "You!"

"I think we've been made."

Dean grumbled before the three of them got out of the car and approached him.

"What are you guys doing?! You watching me?"

"Sir, calm down." Sam held his hands out, "Please."

"You three aren't cops! Not dressed like that. Not- not in that crappy car."

"Whoa, hey." Dean scoffed in offense, "No need to get nasty."

"We are cops, okay?" Sam countered, "We're undercover. We're here because we think you're in danger."

"From who?!"

"Sir..." Angel crossed her arms, "We can talk about that but you need to calm down."

"You three just stay away from me!"

Hurriedly he ran to his own car, jumped in and started to drive it toward the gate/


"Hold on!"

"Hey, you moron!" Dean yelled in irritation, "We're trying to help you!"

As Peter's car approached the gate, the car shuddered, coughed, and died.

Dean looked over to them, "That can't be good."

"Nope." Angel huffed and took off, "Get the salt gun!"

Dean ran back to the Impala as Sam dashed to help her. Inside Peter's car, a spirit dressed in old seaman's clothes with long hair dripping into his eyes, appeared in the rear seat. Peter whirled around to look but the spirit was gone before it reappeared in the front passenger seat. It turned to Peter with a glare and then reached out to touch his cheek. Peter convulsed, choking on water that spilled out of his mouth as he struggled to get a breath. He scrabbled for the door, which locked itself, and then slumped over.

Sam and Angel arrived just then at the car, "Crap!"


"Hey, wake up!"

Peter doesn't respond, but the spirit glared straight at the two Winchesters.

Angel grabbed Sam and backed them up, "Uh..."

Dean arrived on the other side and aimed the salt gun at the spirit, "Guys!"

They ducked as Dean fired and the spirit disappeared just as Dean reached through the shattered glass to unlock the car doors. Sam yanked the driver-side door open and they pulled Peter back. Angel checked for a pulse, but after a few seconds her shoulders slumped and she sighed, shaking her head at the boys. Angrily, Dean kicked the door in frustration.

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