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The next morning, the boys piled the corpses of the demons that didn't survive into a shallow pit as Angel brought the salt and fuel over. She helped them soak the bodies and began pouring salt and fuel over them. Several yards away, Tamara stood in front of a funeral pyre: Isaacs.

Sam studied her sadly, "Think she's gonna be alright?"

"No..." Angel followed his gaze and shook her head, "I know I wouldn't be."

Bobby walked out of the house, looking exhausted, and stood in between the three of them.

"Well..." Dean looked him over, "You look like hell warmed over."

He wiped his face, voice gruff with exhaustion, "You try exorcising all night and see how you feel."

Sam asked, "Any survivors, Bobby?"

"Well, the pretty girl and the heavy guy, they'll make it. Lifetime of therapy bills ahead, but, still..."

Dean motioned down to the bodies they just sat down, "That's more than you can say for these poor bastards."

"Bobby, that knife..." Sam frowned, earning his attention, "What kind of blade can kill a demon?"

He shook his head, having no clue, "Yesterday, I would have said there was no such thing."

"No but seriously who is this Kill Bill chick?" Angel turned to her baby brother, "You sure you didn't recognize her?

"No. Not from anywhere."

"Well from the sounds of it she sure knew you."

"Actually..." Dean smirked to Sam, "The more troubling question would be, how come a girl can fight better than you?"

"Three demons, Dean." Sam chuckled, "At once."

"Hey..." Dean slapped Sam on the shoulder, "Whatever it takes to get you through the night, pal."

"Excuse you, both..." Angel pierced them with her glare, "I can put the both of you on your ass in five minutes."

"You're our sister." Dean dismissed, "Doesn't count, it's in our blood."

"Whatever." She regarded them both grimly, "If you want a troubling question, I got one for the both of you."

"What's that?"

"If we let out the seven deadly sins, what else did we let out?"

Dean paused, thinking, "You're right. That is troubling."

He lit a matchbook and tossed it onto the pyre setting the corpses ablaze.

Later on, after the bonfires have settled down and they prepared to leave, Tamara turned to them, bags in hand, "See you four around."

"Tamara?" She stopped and turned to Bobby, "The world just got a lot scarier. Be careful."

Smiling slightly, she nodded before getting in her car, "You too."

"Keep your eyes peeled for omens." After she took off Bobby turned to the Winchesters, "I'll do the same."

Dean snapped his fingers, "You got it."

Angel smiled at the man, taking him in a hug, "We'll call you for the next one, B."

"Wait, Bobby." Sam stopped him when he went to walk away, "We can win this war, right?"

Bobby, after a long pause during which they all looked uncomfortable and worried, managed to nod a goodbye without answering.

"Catch you on the next one."

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now