Ch 5 Section 3

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After losing Peter, the three drove along in the Impala tensely and silently as the radio played, reviewing the incoming weather.

"When what started out as a mild severe weather front headed in from the Northwest. Expect heavy lightning and thunder, with sudden rainfall-"

Angel caught Sam's pained look and leaned forward to turn the radio off, "Do I need to say it?"

Sam frowned, "What?"

"You can't save everybody, Sam.

"Yeah, right, so- so what?" Sam scoffed, "You feel better now or what?"

"No, not really, but you need to understa-"

"It's just lately..." He shook his head, glaring out the window but there was sadness in his eyes, "I feel like I can't save anybody."

The next day...

Back at the house the three were staying at the Winchesters were all spread around doing their own thing. Sam was reading a book on shipwrecks, Dean was on his phone and Angel was cleaning her guns. All were distracted when a knock at the door sounded.

Dean frowned, grabbing his pistol as the other two readied there's as well. He checked the door and frowned when he saw Bela standing there but she wasn't alone. The Winchesters all share a long look before Dean shook his head at Angel.

"You are going to be pissed."

Angel frowned, "Why?"

He opened the door and in strolled Bela. Not far behind her was Asa, who had a frown planted firmly on his lips.

"Asa?" Angel scowled as she stood and looked between them, "What the hell?"

"Dear... God." Belas face scrunched up in disgust as she looked around, "Are you actually squatting?" Sam sighed, already irritated with her, before looking at his sister who was irately glaring at Bela and Asa, the latter of which wasn't meeting her eyes, "Charming." Bela continued with a sarcastic grin, "So how'd things go last night with Peter?" At all three of their silence she raised a brow, "That well, huh?"

Angel stepped up to her beside Dean, who tensed getting ready for a fight, "If you say 'I told you so', I swear to God I'll start swinging." She whirled on Asa, "And what the hell are you doing running around with her? This was your case! You were supposed to meet us here to help."

Asas eyes snapped to hers, anger filling them, "I'm here aren't i?"

She scoffed and crossed her arms, meeting his glare with her own, "Yeah, I guess better late than never right?"

"Look..." Bela stepped between them, "I think the five of us should have a heart-to-heart."

Dean scoffed, "That's assuming that you have a heart."

"Dean, please..." She sighed heavily, "I'm sorry about what I said before, okay? I come bearing gifts."

"And what's that?" Angel's fiery glare landed on her, "My boyfriend on a leash?"

"I'm not on a leash, Angel." Asas glared, "Bela let me know you three needed help so i'm here to help. Drop the tude and I might stick around."

The two of them glared at each other in silence for a beat, the tension in the room thick befor Angel conceded, "Fine." She motioned, "Go on."

"I did some digging and with Bela's help... ID'd the ship." He explained as Bela unzipped a portfolio file, "It's the Espírito Santo, a merchant sailing vessel. In 1859 a sailor was accused of treason. He was tried on the ship in a kangaroo court and hanged. He was 37."

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