Ch 3 Section 3

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At a local motel...

The Impala pulled into the lot of a motel and stopped just inside the entrance.

Dean nodded on the phone, "Alright, Bobby, thanks. Hey, we owe ya. Another one." He turned once he got off the phone, "Alright, Bobby's got it on pretty good authority that this Bela chick lives in Queens. So it'll take us about two hours to get there."

Sam nodded, "So what are we doing here?"

"I told him to stop here." Angel smirked and turned around to look at him, "You, little brother, are planting it because neither one of us wanna die due to your bad luck. Got it? Good."

Dean drove through the main lot, passing Kubrick's RV on the way. He parked the car and they got out to head towards their room. Dean unlocked the door and led them inside, turning on a light as he went.

Sam huffed in irritation, "What am I even supposed to do, guys?"

"Nothing! Nothing." Dean answered quickly, "Come here. We don't want you doing anything. You're gonna sit right here..." Dean pulled a chair into the middle of the room, "And don't move, okay? Don't turn on the light, don't turn off the light. Got it?"

"Sam, we mean it." Angel looked at him seriously, making him meet her eyes, "Don't even scratch your nose, understand?"

Sam nodded and sat in the chair watching them leave, locking the door behind them. He wrinkled his nose a few times before risking a scratch.

Queens, New York: Bela Talbot's apartment...

Belas apartment was richly decorated and contained varied valuable artifacts. Bela herself was on the phone as she walked down her stairs and into the kitchen, now speaking with a British accent.

"Because you shook on one point five. Well, maybe I should just take it somewhere else?" She pet a Seal Point Siamese cat that was sitting on the counter as she listened to the man on the other end, "Don't threaten me, Luke. Despite your reputation you don't scare me." She paused and her security monitors registered Dean approaching, but she wasn't watching as she continued her conversation, "Well, I'm glad you see it that way. I'll see you at the airstrip in an hour."

After ending the call, she picked up the rabbit's foot with kitchen tongs and the Siamese cat hisses. Bela paused in front of the security monitors as Dean moved off-screen. When she glanced at the monitors, he was no longer on screen. She put the rabbit's foot down, opened the wine cooler and extracted a gun from it before moving through the living room toward the ajar front door. As she approached, she noticed a beeping noise. The alarm system panel was flashing ERROR. A bright yellow Post-It stuck to the panel read: TURN AROUND.

Dean appeared behind Bela, his gun drawn. He smirked as Bela turned and drew her own gun.

"You left without your tip."

Angel stepped out from one of the rooms, her gun drawn as well, "Looks like your security system isn't as good as you'd like. Mind taking the gun off my brother? I get a little itchy when it comes to them being threatened, babe."

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now