Chapter Eleven: Jus in Bello

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DISCLAIMER: I only own my character! Anything you might recognize is courtesy of the CW. Any Gifs and/or pics present are not mine. They were pulled from google searches and/or Tumblr.

WARNING: Some of these episodes/chapters may contain graphic violence, cursing, mentions of suicide or assault and other triggering aspects. Proceed with caution please.

A/N: Just remember to keep in mind about the edit so you might have read some of these chapters already. Thank you for all your support and comments :)

Episode Summary:

The Winchesters break into Bela's apartment in order to get the Colt back, but she has tipped off Agent Henricksen, the FBI agent in charge of tracking them down after shifters used their faces to complete a string of bank robberies, about their whereabouts and they are arrested. Ruby shows up to warn them that the jailhouse is surrounded by a band of demons with a powerful new leader who wants Sam dead.

A/N: One more quick author's note, Agent Henriksen is in this episode but I skipped the episodes Nightshifter and Folsom Prison Blues in Season 2

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A/N: One more quick author's note, Agent Henriksen is in this episode but I skipped the episodes Nightshifter and Folsom Prison Blues in Season 2. My OC knows him from those cases just like the boys. Thanks for reading!

Monument, Colorado...

Sam and Angel rushed into a motel bedroom with their guns raised. Dean followed close behind with his own gun raised and shut the door. The three of them hurriedly searched the room. Angel and Dean checked the drawers, while Sam checked the safe.

"You boys see it?"

"Nothing." Sam turned to Dean, "Are you sure this is Bela's room?"

He held up two wigs, "I'd say so."

Suddenly the phone rang and the three of them shared a contemplating look. Angel looked down at it as she closed the nightstand door she was rifling through. She looked to her brothers who both equally looked suspiciously at it. Sam shook his head and Dean shrugged in a 'why not' motion. Angel sighed and cautiously picked up the phone to answer it but didn't speak.

"Dean?" Belas voice sounded sweetly from the other end, "Sweetie, are you there?"

"Wrong Winchester." Angel rolled her eyes, "Where the hell are you?"

"Two states away by now."


"Awe, where's our usual quippy banter, Ang? I miss it."

"Yeah?" The blonde scoffed, "Well you got somethin' I miss, Bela, and I want it back. Now."

"Your little pistol, you mean? Sorry, I can't at the moment."

"Do you even understand what you're doing right now?" Angel nearly growled, "You understand how many people are gonna die?"

"What exactly is it that you think I plan to do with it?"

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