Ch 12 Section 2

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Back at the Winchester house...

After dinner the group of them headed back to their mom's house. Mary, Lisa and Jessica laughed as they entered the house. Jax and Dean were talking sports so Angel had pretty much zoned out as the woman from the restaurant filled her mind.

"So, Ang, what was uh..." Sam came up to her as she stopped at the threshold of the living room, "What was all that back at the restaurant?"

"Oh... nothing. I just thought I saw someone." Angel waved him off as she chuckled a little nervously, "I'm sure it's fine."

Sam nodded in appeasement and they all turned at Mary's voice.

"Well, I had a lovely birthday." She smiled at all of them before waving, "Thank you. Good night."

Jessica and Lisa both grinned, "Good night."

Dean nodded, "Night."

"Goodnight." Angel grinned, "Love you."

Sam turned to the others after Mary went upstairs, "Yeah, well I'm beat." He turned to Jessica, "Ready to turn in?"

Jessica grinned, "Sure."

"Yeah." Dean cleared his throat from beside Lisa, "We both got work in the morning."

Jax nodded as he put a hand on Angels back, "We could probably still make it in time to tuck John in." He nodded at the other four, "Good night guys."

"Wait, wait!" Angel stopped everyone, "It's still early, guys. We have the sitter for what?" She checked her watch, "Another couple hours. Come on, we could go have a drink or something together." Jaxs eyebrows went up at that as he nervously looked between the boys' frowning faces, "Have some fun."

"Yeah, uh..." Sam frowned from Dean back to Angel, "Maybe some other time, Ang."

Dean patted her shoulder, "Nice try, sis."

"No really. Come on, guys, look at us!" She grinned excitedly, "You're engaged Sammy! I mean, Deans with Lisa and Ben and I'm married with a five year old. We gotta go out and celebrate all of that!"

Awkward silence stretched as Lisa and Jessica shared a look. Jax was frowning between the boys who both shared an awkward uncertain look.

"Guys..." Sam cleared his throat as he turned to the girls and Jax, "Can you excuse us? The three of us just need to talk for a sec."

"Uh, sure..." Jax sent a worried look from Sam to Angel before nodding to the other women, "We'll be in the kitchen."

"Thanks." Sam nodded motioned to the other two as he walked to the other side of the living room, "Come here."

Dean rolled his eyes, "This oughta be good."

Angel raised a brow as she followed them, "What?"

"Okay." Sam looked her over, "What's gotten into you?"

She frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I can actually come to agree with Sam on this one." Dean nodded, "You're different. All... warm and fuzzy and sibling oriented all of a sudden."

"What are you talking about?" Angels frown deepened, "I'm always sibling oriented. We all are! You two are my baby brothers."

"Angel." Sam quipped, sending her a look, "Come on, the three of us don't hang out together outside of holidays."

"He's right again." Dean motioned, "The last time the three of us had a full on conversation was at John's baptism. Three years ago."

"Well..." Angel gaped at them, taken aback, "If that's true then we should spend more time together. Just the three of us. We're siblings, guys. We're supposed to be close."

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