Ch 11 Section 5

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At a motel...

Angel and Sam were both lying on opposite beds, Dean sitting at a table, when there was a knock at the door. Sam and Angel each sat up as Dean shared a look with them and stood to open the door.

Ruby walked in, "Turn on the news."

Sam eyed her but did as told and turned on the television where a reporter spoke as Dean took a seat next to their sister.

"The community is still reeling from the tragedy that happened just a few hours ago. Authorities believe a gas main ruptured causing the massive explosion that ripped apart the police station and claimed the lives of everyone inside. Among the deceased, at least six police officers and staff, including sheriff Melvin Dodd, deputy Phil Amici, and secretary Nancy Fitzgerald as well as three FBI agents, identified as Steven Groves, Calvin Reidy, and Victor Henriksen." The news showed their pictures earning shocked looks from the Winchesters, "Three fugitives in custody were also killed. We'll continue to follow the story here at the scene, but for now, back to you, Jim."

Ruby turned off the television and looked at the three of them with an 'I-told-you-so' look.

Sam's jaw clenched, "Must have happened right after we left."

"Considering the size of the blast..." Ruby tossed hex bags to the three, "Smart money's on Lilith."

Dean eyed the small bag, "What's in these?"

"Something that'll protect you. Throw Lilith off your trail... for the time being, at least." She put up a dismissive hand when Sam opened his mouth, "Don't thank me. Lilith killed everyone. She slaughtered your precious little virgin, plus a half a dozen other people. So after your big speech about humanity and war, turns out your plan was the one with the body count. Do you know how to run a battle? You strike fast and you don't leave any survivors. So no one can go running to tell the boss. So next time... we go with my plan."

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now