Ch 8 Section 4

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Tammi motioned her arm once and Sam was thrown up against the wall, pinned. When Dean tried to rush her she did the same to him, harder, knocking him unconscious.

"Tammi..." Elizabeth gasped again, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

Tammi turned her head and attention on the other two women, making her eyes look human again.

"Tammi." Renee glared in outrage and horror, "What are you doing?"

"Renee." The demon mocked her before glaring "Shut your painted hole."

"What? I- I wil- You can't- Not in my house, Tammi Fenton!"

Tammi, annoyed, waved her right hand at Renee and the blonde's head snapped to the right so far it almost turned completely backwards, killing her instantly. Her body fell to the floor as Elizabeth shrieked in terror, covering her mouth.

"Look." Sam ground out, "You got me. Let my brother and the girl go."

"Wait your turn, young man." Elizabeth made another scared squeak bringing Tammis attention back to her, "Sh, Lizzie, it's okay."

"You're not Tammi!"

"No, but I'm wearing her meat. I had to break the ice with you girls somehow."

"You killed Renee."

"Renee, Amanda..." She nodded as she walked around the room, "That's what happens to witches who get voted off the island."

"Who are you?"

"Funny story, actually." She chuckled, "You remember all those dark demonic forces you prayed to? When you swore your servitude? Just who did you think you were praying to?"

"This- this isn't- it can't b-"

"What did you think it was?" Tammi scoffed, "Make-believe? Positive thinking? The Secret? No, it was me. You sold yourself to me, you pig." Elizabeth gasped and continued to stare at Tammi in horror, "All I had to do was bring one good book to Book Club, and you ladies lined up to kiss my ass."

"No, no, we didn't know-"

"Oh, yes you did. You knew every step of the way, and now your ever livin' souls are mine." Tammi turned back to the boys who were still pinned to the wall, Dean still unconscious, "Comments? Questions?" She smiled as her attention went to Sam, "Hmm, Sammy Winchester, wow! Right here in our little town. You know, my friends and I, we've been looking for you."

"Why?" He scoffed as his hatred filled eyes met hers, "Oh, right, 'cause I'm supposed to lead some piss poor demon army."

"No, not at all. You're not our Messiah. We don't believe in you. But, there's a new leader rising in the West- a real leader." Tammi grinned, "That's the horse to bet on, Sam, the one who's gonna tear this world apart. Thing is, this demon? It doesn't like you very much. It doesn't want the competition." She raised her hand and the boys slid up the wall groaning in pain, "Nothing personal, it's a P.R. thing, so, buh-bye."

Tammi kept her hand raised, and the two of them began to be crushed into the wall, paint and plaster cracking as they were pushed harder into it. Dean woke up as he gurgled in pain from the pressure as Sam yelled furiously for her to stop. Elizabeth stood there watching, eyes wide and frozen in fear. In the beat of a second, the front door to the house slammed open. Angel and Asa ran in both with a shotgun drawn. Tammi turned around and easily threw the two of them over the sofa. When they got up, she pinned them to the wall behind them.

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