Ch 5 Section 4

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Back at the house...

Multiple lit candles were spread out around the house as Dean, still extremely agitated, examined the ship-in-a-bottle. Angel shook her head as she studied one of her guns beside Asa and Sam was flipping through the portfolio on the case they brough.

"You know what, you guys are right." Dean slammed the bottle down and turned away, "I'm not gonna kill her. I think slow torture's the way to go."

"Dean, look..." Sam turned to him, "You gotta relax."

"Relax?! Oh yeah. Yeah, I'll relax. I can't believe she got another one over on us!"

Sam looked up from the portfolio, timidly correcting him, "You."

Dean swung around, "What?"

Angel stifled a snicker as Sam began to stutter at Deans murderous eyes, "I... I mean, she got... one over... on you... not us."

Dean paused for a second as he stared wide eyed at Sam, who shrugged, "Thank you, Sam. That's very helpful."

"We honestly should've seen this coming." Asa raised a brow, breaking the stare off the two of them were having, "Belas a shark." When he met Angels narrowed eyes he explained, "Ran into her on a job a couple months ago. Some hoodoo hexed necklace I was trying to destroy before it killed this entire family's last two descendents. Long story short, Bela wanted it too, for a buyer, and she turned me into the Feds to get it. Obviously I got away, but... not before she took off with the amulet." He shrugged, "Had it not been for her naming dropping you three on this hunt, I would've just told her to get bent."

Angel shook her head at that, "Can't say I'm surprised."

A rapid knocking at the door sounded before Belas frantic voice, "Hello? Could you open up?" Dean glared as he stomped over and opened the door, "Just let me explain."

Angel narrowed her eyes at the woman, "Oh, this should be good."

A short while later, Bela sat at the table as she explained. Dean was leaning over her with a look of agitation. Sam was leaning on the mantel crossed armed as he stared at her with his own Winchester-bitch-face and Angel sat across from her with a murderous glare, looking at her like she wanted to shoot her. Asa stood behind her leaning on her chair with similar eyes as the rest of them.

"I sold it. I had a buyer lined up as soon as I knew it existed."

Dean furiously walked around her and made a shooting motion with his fingers.

"What the hell was with the charity ball, Bela?" Angel scoffed and leaned forward, "Shits and giggles to see Sam get groped?"

"I needed a cover. You lot were convenient."

"Look..." Sam took a breath, "You sold it to a buyer. Just go buy it back."

"It's halfway across the ocean." She shook her head looking worried, "I can't get it back in time."

Deans brow rose, "In time for what?"

As Bela looked away from them Sam pressed her, "What's going on with you, Bela? You look like you've seen a ghost."

At those words realization came to Angel and her eyebrows rose, "You saw it didn't you? The ship..." She scoffed, "That's why you're here. You want our help."

Asas brows went up, "What?"

Dean paused in shock, "Wow, you know, I- I knew you were an immoral thieving con artist bitch, but just when I thought my opinion of you couldn't get any lower-"

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now