Ch 8 Section 3

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After pulling into the motel Asa caught Angel's arm again before she could follow her brothers into their room.

"You need to tell me who that was, Ang."

"That was a demon." At his deadpan look she sighed, "Look, you remember that Nebraska case I told you about? The, uh, the seven deadly sins?" At his nod she continued, "Well, that demon you just met saved Sam's ass back there. She's also the one that helped Bobby fix the Colt."

"Why the hell would a demon do any of that?"

"To mess with Sam. She's got some... weird fixation on him." Angel shook her head, "She told him she could save me. Save my soul."

"What?" He frowned, "And, from what I just saw... I'm banking that he believes her?"

"Yeah." She grumbled as she turned and walked towards her brothers room, "She got her hooks in alright. She knows what buttons to push." As soon as they were inside the room Asa leaned back on the door as Angel stepped in front of Sam with a glare, "What the hell were you thinking back there?"

"What?!" Sam scowled at that, "What the hell was I thinking?"

"That was a demon, Sam! We don't stand around and shoot the shit with demons. We kill them. Period." She gave him a look that said he should already know this, "They want us dead, we want them dead."

"Oh, that's funny." He scoffed at her as she turned away from him, "I remember that demon chick in Ohio, Casey? You didn't want her dead."

"Those were different circumstances and you know it." Angel turned back and glared at him as Dean shook his head and sat on the bed, "Casey didn't have me on a hook. She wasn't stringing me along, Sam!"

"No one's stringing me along!" Taking a breath, Sam calmed himself down as he met the eyes of his livid sister, "Look, I know it's dangerous, that she is dangerous, but like it or not, she's useful."

"No!" Dean snapped at him from the bed, "We kill her before she kills us."

"Kill her with what? The gun she fixed for us?"

Asa nodded, "That works."

Sam ignored him as he looked between Angel and Dean, "If she wants us dead, all she has to do is stop saving our lives." Angel turned away from him, angrily running her hands over her face, as pain twinged in her stomach, "Look, we have to start looking at the big picture, guys. Start thinking in strategies and- and moves ahead." As he spoke Angel leaned one hand on the wall as she tried to calm herself down, thinking her churning stomach was because of her heightening anger and frustration, "It's not so simple. We're not- we're not just hunting anymore. We're at war."

"Sam..." Angel turned to face him, "You feelin okay?"

Sam groaned in exasperation as he sat at the foot of his bed, "Why are you always asking me that?"

"Maybe because you keep wanting to take advice from a black-eyed hell spawn named Ruby." Angel scoffed as she made eye contact with Dean momentarily, "Oh, and the fact that you seem less and less affected by ganking people as of late."

"Dude." Dean looked at him worriedly as well, "That crap used to eat you up inside."

"Yeah?" Sam scoffed, "And what has that gotten me?"

"That's not the point! The point is that is who you are, Sam." Angel's hand came up to rest on her upper stomach as the pain started to get worse earning a frown from Asa who was quietly watching, "I mean, the three of us, we're supposed to go on these hunting trips and argue about this stuff."

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