Ch 3 Section 4

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Back with Sam...

Sam rocked back and forth on the chair, bored stiff. Suddenly, the AC unit in the wall in front of him started making a clunking, grinding sound before smoke started to pour out.

"Oh, come on..." Sam groaned despairingly, "I- I didn't- I wasn't..."

He sighed heavily before getting up and cautiously approaching the unit. The unit caught on fire and Sam quickly grabbed the comforter off one of the beds, attempting to put out the fire with it. When Sam thought he stifled it, he got up, only to find his jacket sleeve was now on fire. In a panic he used the curtain to put it out. The curtain ripped and fell away, revealing Kubrick and Creedy staring in through the window. Sam fell back in shock, knocking himself out on the floor. Kubrick smiled and looked to the sky in thanks.

Back in Bela's apartment...

Bela smirked and Dean raised his eyebrows at her, "You think you can pull the trigger faster than I can? Faster than she can? Test us."

"Drop yours first. It's two on one." Angel smirked and Dean glared, "We're here for one thing only, and you're gonna give it back."

Bela laughed, "Sweetie, no I'm not."

"We'll see, babe." Angel cocked a brow, "Bela right? Cute."

"Thats right." Bela nodded, "Dean and Angel I presume?"

Dean eyed her, "You know the thing's cursed, don't you?"

"You'd be surprised what some people would pay for something like that."


"There's a lucrative market out there. A lot of money to be made." She giggled, "You hunters with all those amulets and talismans you use to stop those big bad monsters. Any one of them could put your children's children through college."

"Hm." Angel shrugged, "Too bad i dont have kids to put through college." She scoffed, "So you know the truth, about what's really going on out there, and this is what you decide to do with it? You become a thief?"

"I procure unique items for a select clientele."

"Yeah." Dean rolled his eyes, "A thief."

"No, a great thief."

Back in the motel room...

As Creedy restrained Sam to a chair with duct tape, he came to, "Oh, he's awake!"

Kubrick smirked, "Back with us, eh?"

"We didn't even have to touch you. You just went all..." Creedy wiggled, "Spastic, and knocked yourself out." He laughed, "It was like watching Jerry Lewis try to stack chairs!"

"Who are you? What do you wa-"

Kubrick snapped his fingers in Sam's face earning a look of confusion, "I used to think your friend Gordon sent me."

"Gordon?" Sam scoffed, "Oh, come on!"

"Yeah, because he asked me to track you down, and put a bullet in your brain."

"Great. That sounds like him."

"But, as it turns out..." Kubrick quickly struck Sam across the face, "I'm on a mission from God."

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now