Ch 3 Section 5

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At the local cemetery...

"Alright..." Sam was crouched as he sprinkled something onto the embers of a small fire, "Bone ash, cayenne pepper... what else?"

Angel nodded, "That should do it."

Dean didn't look up from the scratchers he was checking, "One second."

Sam scoffed, "Dean, you-"

"Hey, back off, Jinx." Dean barked, making Angel roll her eyes as Sam glared, "I'm bringing home the bacon."

Sam sighed and Dean smirked as he stashed the cards in his jacket, which was slung over a gravestone.

"Alright, say goodbye wascawy wabbit."

The sound of a gun was heard cocking and Angel groaned, "What now?"

They turned around to see Bela pointing her gun at the three of them, "I think you'll find that belongs to me. Or, you know, whatever." She paused as she met eyes with Dean, "Put the foot down, honey."

"No." Dean stated, studying her, "You're not going to shoot anybody. See, I happen to be able to read people. Okay, you're a thief, fine, but you're not-"

Bela ignored Dean with an eye roll before aiming her gun and Sam and firing a shot into his arm. Sam collapsed as he groaned in pain.

"Sammy!" Angel looked from him to glare at the other woman, "You little-"

Before she could move Bela aimed straight at her face, "Back off, tiger. Back off. Either of you make one more move and I'll pull the trigger." As Sam got up, clutching his shoulder, Bela turned the gun back to Dean, "You've got the luck, Dean. You, I can't hit. But your brother and your sister? Them I can't miss."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Dean yelled, "You don't just go around shooting people like that!"

"Relax. It's a shoulder hit, I can aim. Besides, who here hasn't shot a few people? Put the rabbit's foot on the ground, now."

"Don't listen to her, Dean." Angel glared, "Put that thing in the fire and we'll tag team this bitch."

Bela smirked, "Tough words coming from someone with a gun pointed at her face." As Angel glared Bela looked back to Dean, aiming the gun at Angel now, "5... 4-"

"Alright!" Dean tensed, "Alright, take it easy." He went to drop the rabbit's foot, but instead threw it at Bela, "Think fast."

Bela caught the foot and cursed as Dean smiled in satisfaction, "Damn!"

Dean grinned, "Now, what do you say we destroy that ugly-ass piece of dead thing?"

Bela sighed in annoyance as she walked over and dropped the rabbit's foot in the embers, "Thanks very much. I'm out one and a half million, and on the bad side of a very powerful, fairly psychotic buyer."

"Wow. I really don't feel bad about that." Dean turned, "Sam?"

"Nope. Not even a little. Angel?"

"Really, really, not."

"Hmm..." Bela laughed sarcastically, "Maybe next time I'll hang you out to dry."

She leaned on the gravestone where Deans jacket was earning a sarcastic grin from him, "Oh don't go away angry, just go away."

Bela smirked, "Have a nice night, friends."

She walked away as the rabbits' foot burned in the fire. Soon the three Winchesters were also leaving the cemetery.

Angel turned to her little brother, "How ya doin Sammy?"

He grimaced slightly, "I'll live."

"I guess we're back to normal now, huh?" Dean sighed, "No good luck, no bad luck. Oh! I forgot we're up $46000. I almost forgot about the..." He frowned as he searched his jacket for the tickets but came up empty as Bela's car roared in the distance, "Son of a bitch!"

Back at the prison...

Kubrick, whose nose was now taped up, hurriedly talked to Gordon, "You were right about everything. Sam Winchester is more than a monster. He's the adversary."

"And what was it that convinced you?"

"God led me to him, and His will is clear."

"Okay..." Gordons eyebrows lifted at that answer but he trekked on, "That's great. Glad to have you on board, but, uh, first things first. We gotta get me the hell out of here. 'Cause like I told you before, Sam Winchester must die."

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now