Ch 7 Section 3

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Present day...

The siblings exit the impala and walk up to a big white house that was decked out in ever with Christmas decoration imaginable.

"This is where Mrs. Wreath lives, huh?" Dean cocked an eyebrow at his siblings before scoffing, "Can't you just feel the evil pagan vibe?"

Angel used the door knocker to knock on the door, sending her brothers a smirk when the bells attached to it rang. An older woman clad in a white cardigan and pearls opened the door.

Her voice was very cheery, "Yes?"

Dean grinned brightly, "Please tell me you're the Madge Carrigan who makes the meadowsweet wreaths."

"Why, yes I am."

"Ha!" He looked at Sam and Angel happily, "Bingo."

"That's amazing." Angel also smiled brightly at the woman, "We just couldn't stop fawning over your wreaths in Mr. Sylar's place the other day."

"You couldn't?" She grinned happily as Dean peaked inside her very much decorated house, "Well, isn't that meadowsweet just the finest smelling thing you ever smelled?"

"It is, it sure is." Sam nodded, "But the problem is, all your wreaths had sold out before we got the chance to buy one.

"Oh, fudge!"

"You wouldn't have another one that we could buy from you, would you?"

"Oh, no." She shook her head at Dean, "I'm afraid those were the only ones I had for this season."

"Oh..." Angel feigned a frown, "That's too bad."

"Tell me something..." Dean shrugged with a small smile, "Why did you decide to make them out of meadowsweet?"

Mr. Carrigan came down the staircase inside the house just then. He had an old-fashioned pipe in his hand and also wore a cardigan. The two of them together looked extremely 1950's.

"Why, the smell, of course!" Mrs. Carrigan answered happily, "I don't think I've ever smelled anything finer."

"Yeah..." Sam nodded, "Um, you mentioned that."

Mr. Carrigan stopped beside her, "What's going on, honey?"

"Well, just some nice kids asking about my wreaths, dear."

"Oh, the wreaths are fine." He nodded at them with his own bright smile, "Fine wreaths." He held out a tin of peanut brittle, "Oh, care for some peanut brittle?"

Dean reached out to take some, but Sam slapped his arm away, "We're okay."

Back at the motel...

Dean and Angel sat sharpening wooden stakes, while Sam used the laptop. Five other wooden stakes were on the bed and floor near the two of them.

"I knew it!" Sam clapped his hands, "Something was way off with those two."

"I'll say." Angel scoffed, "Just a tad too Stepford Christmas Carol for me."

"What'd you find?"

"The Carrigans lived in Seattle, last year, where two abductions took place right around Christmas. They moved here in January. All that Christmas crap in their house- that wasn't boughs of holly. It was vervain and mint. Some serious pagan stuff."

"So what?" Dean cocked a brow, "Ozzie and Harriet are keeping a pagan god hidden underneath their plastic-covered couch?"

"Sounds like it. We need to check them out again at least." Angel motioned to the stake she just finished making, "Bobby's positive these evergreen stakes will kill this thing."

Back at the Carrigan house...

The Winchesters, each holding a wooden stake, quietly broke into the Carrigan house. They walked through the living room and passed the couch that was still covered with plastic.

"See?" Dean whispered, "Plastic."

Angel rolled her eyes as she went deeper into the house. Sam touched it too as Dean shook his head disapprovingly. They all spread out around the house looking at all the gaudy Christmas decor. Dean walked around the living room, as Angel walked around the kitchen and Sam went down the hall. Every inch of the place was decorated with ornaments and snow globes. He joined Angel in the kitchen where she was frowning at a table filled with intricately decorated plates of cookies and cakes.

"Hey." Sam shined his flashlight on the lock of a door in the back of the kitchen, "Guys."

After picking the lock, the three of them carefully walk downstairs to the basement. Dean pointed his flashlight at a bowl across from the staircase and found arm bones covered with blood. They checked the room and realized the whole basement looked like a human butchery.

Angel grimaced, "I'm getting Bender vibes, boys..."

Walking deeper into the room she found a bloodied table saw with bones littered around it. Disgust filled her face as she moved past it. A bloodied bag hanging from a wall immediately caught her attention. She slowly made her way over to it before hesitantly poking it. Someone inside screamed and started to thrash around as they tried getting out. Angel jumped in startelement but as she turned around she was grabbed by the throat by Mrs. Carrigan. She yelped in surprise as the woman lifted her off the ground. She pushed Angel up against the wall and held her there tightly. Both of the boys spun around in surprise and rushed to help but Mr. Carrigan grabbed them and knocked their heads against a different wall. Both of them fell to the ground, unconscious. Mrs. Carrigan looked at her husband, who smiled and nodded and looked back at Angel, who was struggling to breathe.

"Gosh, I wish you three hadn't come down here."

The light from Angels flashlight hit their faces which appeared monster like but then turned normal out of the light. Mrs. Carrigan slammed Angel's head hard against the wall and let her drop to the ground.

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