Chapter Nine: Dream a Little Dream of Me

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DISCLAIMER: I only own my character! Anything you might recognize is courtesy of the CW. Any Gifs and/or pics present are not mine. They were pulled from google searches and/or Tumblr.

WARNING: Some of these episodes/chapters may contain graphic violence, cursing, mentions of suicide or assault and other triggering aspects. Proceed with caution please.

A/N: Just remember to keep in mind about the edit & chapter adds (the numbers might be off unless i finished the edits). Thank you for all your support and comments :)

Episode Summary:

The Winchesters race to Bobby's side after he lapses into a coma and can't be awakened. While unconscious, Bobby battles his personal demons and the reason he became a hunter is revealed. Angel, Sam and Dean discover someone poisoned Bobby with a potion that will kill him if he doesn't wake soon. When the siblings decide to take the potion themselves to enter Bobby's dream in order to save him, they come face to face with their own personal nightmares.

 When the siblings decide to take the potion themselves to enter Bobby's dream in order to save him, they come face to face with their own personal nightmares

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Bobby walked through his house, flashlight in hand, as he looked around. The wind was whistling loudly outside. Bobby heard a sound behind him and jumped around, but there was nothing there. Worry etched his face as he reached the doors to the kitchen. He slowly slid them open, and took a few steps in, scanning the room carefully. Suddenly a woman screamed and attacked him, making him fall to the floor with her on top. She struggled with him, pulling him back and forth, while she screamed.

After a few seconds the screaming echoed as Bobby was now lying asleep on a motel bed. The door was opened from the outside before a maid entered the room. After a few steps she saw Bobby on the bed, who didn't react to the noises she made.

"Oh! I'm sorry." She began to walk out again, but as she retrieved the keys from the door, Bobby sill silent and unmoving, worry creased her face, "Sir?" She left the keys in the door and walked over to his bed before gently shaking his shoulder, "Wake up."

He didn't react. Inside his mind the woman he was grappling with was still screaming as Bobby tried to survive the attack. She slammed his head against the floor. The maid then grabbed his shoulders and shook him, trying to wake him up.

"Wake up, do you hear me? Wake up. Sir, wake up!" She turned around to the door in a panic, "Help! I need some help in here!"

Later on, in a dive bar...

Long Train Runnin by the Doobie Brothers played as a bartender grabbed a bottle of whiskey and walked over to a man and a woman.

He grabbed a glass and walked down the bar, "Cheers!"

As he poured the couple a drink Sam sat down at the bar as he nursed his own. He tilted his glass back and forth slowly, almost spilling out the contents. Sadness filled his entire body. The usual hope that kept him going was long gone. Also, he appeared to be a little drunk as he shot back that glass and motioned for another. As the bartender poured him one, the bar doors swung open and Dean peaked his head in. He looked around for a second and then his brows furrowed once he saw Sam.

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