Chapter Five: Red Sky At Morning

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DISCLAIMER: I only own my character! Anything you might recognize is courtesy of the CW. Any Gifs and/or pics present are not mine. They were pulled from google searches and/or Tumblr.

WARNING: Some of these episodes/chapters may contain graphic violence, cursing, mentions of suicide or assault and other triggering aspects. Proceed with caution please.

A/N: Just remember to keep in mind about the edit so you might have read some of these chapters already. Thank you for all your support and comments :)

Episode Summary:

Asa contacts the Winchesters to help him with a case where people who were nowhere near water drowned to death but then never shows. The Winchesters then cross paths with Bela Talbot, who is being paid handsomely by one of the murder victim's family members to solve the case. Not only that, but when she calls Asa for help, Angel wants some answers. Meanwhile, the boys summon the crossroads demon to try and bargain for Angel's life.

 Meanwhile, the boys summon the crossroads demon to try and bargain for Angel's life

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Previously skipped: Bedtime Stories...

Dean's Impala raced along the dark back road as the Winchester siblings argued. It hit a puddle spraying water as a frog hopped out of the way, just in time.

"I don't understand, Angel." Sam angrily leaned into the front seat, "Why not?!"

"Because I said so!"

"Ang, we've got the Colt now. It's fixed." Dean interjected, trying to keep his voice calm as he gripped the steering wheel tighter, "We may as well use it."

"Oh my God!" Angel dismissed them both with a warning in her tone, "We're not talking about this."

Sam continued anyway, "We can summon the Crossroads Demon-"

Both he and Angel began shouting over each other, getting louder each time, "We're not summoning anything!"

"Pull the gun on her, and force her to let you out of the deal!"

"We don't even know if that'll work!"

"Well then we'll just shoot her! If she dies then the deal goes away!"

"We don't know if that'll work either, Sam! These are all just freakin theories that you're pitching around! Theories that don't have any merit, Sam and if we screw with this deal then it's going to get you two killed!"

"If we don't do something then you die!"

Dean spoke over them trying to calm everyone down, "Guys, lets just-"

"No, enough! We. Are not. Discussing this. The deal has been made, the rules are iron clad and we all know them. End of story."

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