Ch 9 Section 3

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"Why Bobby?" Karen's sad voice pleaded with Bobby, "Why did you do this to me?"

Angel, Dean, and Bobby were now standing in the kitchen, by the living room. Bobby's wife, Karen Singer, was standing in the doorway leading to the hall.

At her words, Bobby turned around, "I'd have rather died myself than hurt you."

"But you did hurt me. You shoved that knife into me... again and again. You watched me bleed. Watched me die."

Dean threw a wide eyed look at Angel before coming up behind Bobby and grabbing ahold of him, "Bobby, she's not real."

Bobby didn't respond to him. Instead he kept his grief and guilt stricken eyes on his wife.

Karen continued, "How could you?"

"You were possessed, baby." Tears were dangerously close to falling from his eyes now, "You were rabid. And I didn't know what I know now. I didn't know how to save you."

"You're lying. You wanted me dead! If you'd loved me..." Her voice rose to an angry scream, "You would've found a way!"

Bobby sobbed, "I'm sorry."

"Okay, come on." Angel came up behind and grabbed him as well before her voice became more forceful as they pushed him to move, "Come on!"

They dragged him into the living room and just as they began to slide the doors closed, Karen screamed and ran for them.

With Sam...

Saw was walking in the now sunny outside as he rounded the perfect garden of flowers around the house to the back yard. He passed by a line of washed sheets, drying in the wind. When he turned around, Jeremy, Dr. Gregg's research subject that Dean questions, was suddenly there. He swung a bat at Sam, and hit him hard in the chest and shoulder.

Sam fell to the ground with a grunt and held his shoulder as Jeremy moved to stand over him, "Who are you?"

"Who are you? You don't belong here."

"You're one to talk. You're in my friend's head."

"Well, you got a poor choice in friends. This is self-defense. He came after me. H- he wanted to hurt me."

Sam raised his eyebrows at the guy, "That may be because you're a killer."

"You should be nicer to me." Jeremy glared, "In here... you're just an insect. I'm a god."

Back inside Bobby's house...

Karen jumped and banged on the doors to the living room as she screamed in anger.

"All of it, Bobby!" Dean said as he and Angel leaned against the door to hold it closed, "Your house, your wife, it's a nightmare!"

Bobby stood across from them, just staring as Karen continued to bang and scream. Angel ran over and grabbed a cord that was on one of the tables to quickly tie around the door handles.

Bobby cried, "I killed her."

"Bobby, this is your dream, okay?" Angel said as she and Dean struggled to tie the doors together, "That means you can control it. You can wake up. Hell, you can do anything you want in here!"

"Just leave me alone." His voice was filled with despair as he walked up behind them, "Let her kill me already."

"Look at me." Dean grabbed hold of him, trying to get him to wake up, to snap out of it all, "You gotta snap out of this. You gotta snap out of this now! You're not gonna die. We're not gonna let you die! You're like a father to us, Bobby." He pressed him frantically, willing him to understand and believe his words, "You gotta believe us, please!"

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