Ch 7 Section 5

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Flashback, 1991...

It was snowing outside as Angel and Sam slept side by side. Dean walked over to them before turning on the bedside lamp.

"Guys, wake up!" He shook Sam awake, knowing the noise would wake his sister, "Dad was here." He motioned behind himself to a little Christmas tree that was decorated with a few lights, "Look what he brought."

"Um..." Angel's eyes adjusted to the bad lighting as she peered behind her little brother, "What?"

Sam rubbed his eyes, "Dad was here?"

"Yeah." Dean chuckled as he motioned to the presents under the tree that Angel was now peering at suspiciously, "Look at this. We made a killing."

Sam yawned, "Why didn't he try to wake me up?"

Dean shrugged, "He tried to, like a thousand times."

"He did?"

"Yeah." Dean nodded, "Did I tell you he would give us Christmas, or what?" He motioned, "Go on, dive in."

Sam jumped out of bed and sprinted past Angel to the Christmas tree. He quickly scooped up two presents wrapped with Christmas themed gift wrap. One of them had a green shiny bow. Angel put her hands on her hips as she rose a brow to Dean, knowing exactly what was going on. He averted his eyes as he came to sit next to Sam on the couch. Angel stood above them on the other side of the couch as Sam unwrapped his first gift.

Dean smiled, "What is it?"

Sam frowned, showing the sparkly box to them, "Sapphire Barbie?"

"Probably Angels." She rolled her eyes as he chuckled, "Or maybe Dad thinks you're a girl."

Sam threw the barbie onto the ground with his own eye roll, "Shut up." He turned his attention to unwrapping the next present but found a cheerleading stick and looked back at Dean, "Dad never showed, did he?"

Dean's eyes went wide, "Yeah, he did, I swear."

"Dean, the jig is up..." Angel walked around the couch and plopped herself between them before looking to her little brother seriously, "Who'd you take all this from?"

He looked down and sighed, "Nice house up the block." Angel frowned disapprovingly as Sam looked away from him, "Look, I'm sure Dad would have been here if he could."

"If he's alive."

"Hey, don't talk like that." Angel tapped his shoulder, "We're talking about Dad here." She winked, "Of course he's alive."

Sam nodded but noted the sad expression on Dean's face. He took the present he wrapped from the pocket of his jacket that is lying over the arm of the couch.

"Here." He held it out to Dean, "Take this."

"No." Dean shook his head a little, "No, that's for Dad."

"Dad lied to me." Sam continued to hold out the gift, "I want you to have it."

Dean looked from the wrapped gift back to his little brother, "You sure?"

He nodded, "I'm sure."

Dean looked at it once more before taking it and unwrapping it to reveal a gold amulet on a black string.

"Thank you, Sam." He smiled as he put the necklace on, "I- I love it."

Sam nodded before his eyes went to his sisters, "Dean and I got you something too, Angie."

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