Ch 10 Section 3

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At the diner...

Sam held a despairing expression on his face after yet again explaining their situation to Angel and Dean.

"Look, I still think you're nuts." Dean shrugged as he and Angel shared a look of agreement, "But okay, whatever this is, we'll figure it out."

Sam nodded slowly, "Thanks."

"Okay, so, if you're stuck in a Groundhog Day-esque time loop..." Angel cocked her eyebrow, "Why? What's behind it?"

"Well, first I thought it was the Mystery Spot." He frowned, "Now I'm not so sure."

"What do we do?"

"Well, we keep you two breathing. Try to make it to tomorrow. I mean, that's the only thing I can think of."

Dean shrugged, "Shouldn't be too hard."

"Yeah, right." Sam scoffed, "Dean, I've watched you two die a few times now and I can't ever seem to stop it."

"Well, nothing's set in stone. You say Angel and I order the same thing every day, right?"

"Yeah." He nodded, "Pig in a poke, side of bacon and a spinach omelette, side of bacon."

Dean turned to Doris, who was standing by the window to the kitchen, talking with the cook, "'Scuse me, sweetheart?" She turned, "Can we get sausage instead of bacon?"

"Sure thing, hon."

"See?" Dean grinned, "Different day already. You see, if the three of us decide that Angel and I aren't gonna die- We're not gonna die." Doris brought over their food and earned a smile from him, "Thank you."

Angel cut into her omelette as Dean stabbed a sausage link with his fork and bit in. Sam looked between them with a relieved grin, but then Dean started to choke.

"Dean." The smile was instantly wiped off Sam's face as he and Angel fretted over Dean and his pained choking, "Dean?"

Another Tuesday reboot...


Sam's eyes snapped open and he sat up in bed and stared around.


After relaying the events that had transpired the past few days Angel took a shower and Dean sulked from the couch.

"You mean we can't even go out for breakfast?"

"No, Dean."

"What about coffee?" Angel poked her shampoo lathered head carefully around the shower curtain, "We can still stop for coffee right?"

Sam huffed in annoyance as he hollered back at her, "You'll both thank me it's Wednesday!"

Dean grumbled as he looked at the newspaper, "Whatever that means."

Angel frowned and disappeared behind the shower curtain. As Sam looked out the window, both Winchesters jumped at the sound of Angels yelp followed by a thud.

Another Tuesday reboot...


Sam's eyes snapped open and he sat up in bed and stared around.


Later on...

Dean bit into a takeout taco and then frowned, "Do these tacos taste funny to you?"

The Winchester Three (S3): The AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now