Ch 6 Section 5

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At Bobby's junkyard...

The stereo played Bad Company's Crazy Circles while Angel and Dean were under the hood of the Trans Am poking around. After her case with the boys she took her car to meet up and help out Asa with a case only to find that there was a loud rattle present whenever she drove. The two of them were leaned over as they studied and tweaked the engine as well as hypothesised the issue. Beside the car, Sam opened a cooler and pulled out three beers before shutting the lid and sitting on it.

He opened two bottles and passed them on to Dean, "Here you go."

Dean took them and shuffled one over to Angel, "Thanks."

"Figure out what's making that rattle?"

"Think so." Angel mused then leaned up, "Would you pass the box wrench over, please?"

"Yeah." He leaned down and grabbed it before handing it over, "There you go."

"Thanks." She took it from him before straightening again and looking from Sam to Dean thoughtfully, earning a curious look from the latter, "Hey, Sam?"

Sam frowned, "Wrong one?"

"No no, it's right." She motioned her head and then moved to the other side of the car so Dean could shuffle over, "Come here for a second."

Sam got up and leaned over the hood with them before shooting a curious look to Angel, "Yeah?"

"So..." She gestured to what she was working on, "The rattle it's making could be a couple of things but I'm thinking it's an out-of-tune carb."

Sam's brows furrowed in confusion, "Okay?"

"Alright, see this thing?" Dean motioned below as understanding filled him at what she was doing, "It's a valve cover. Inside are all the parts that are on the head."

"We need a socket wrench." Angel walked around and retrieved it before taking position on the other side of him and giving him a careful look, "You with us so far?"

"Yeah, uh..." He pointed around, "Valve cover covers the heads."

"Good." She smiled before leaning back down under the hood, "Now this is your intake manifold." Her hand moved to rest above it, "What's on top of it?"

"It's uh..." Sam paused with a smile as he tried to remember, "Uh, a carburetor."

"Carburetor." Dean smiled as well, a little proud, "Very good."

"What's with the auto shop?" Sam gaped at his sister when she held out the socket wrench, "What, you don't mean you want-"

"Yeah, I do." She nodded looking from Dean's sad eyes back to Sam's fairly shocked ones, "You're gonna fix it."

"Ang..." He smiled as he held his hands up, "You never even let me drive this thing."

"Yeah, well, it's time Sammy. You should know how to fix it, how it works." Angel looked down at her car sadly, "Dad taught me and Dean all about cars whenever the Impala needed to be fixed up and then he helped me with the Trans Am. When I'm gone..." The three of them shared an emotional moment as she trailed off, "Well, you're just gonna need to know these things for the future."

Sam's smile fell as he stared at her with sadness. His eyes briefly met Deans who also shared his despair. With a sad nod and sigh he took the wrench from her.

"Besides." She offered them both a smile, "It's mine and Deans job to show our little brother the ropes, right?"

Sam nodded again, averting his gaze from her as he swallowed the emotion that rocked through him. He leaned in and started unscrewing as Dean caught his older sister's eyes. Sadness radiated between them but Dean nodded in understanding at what she was doing

Dean walked past them and turned the cooler slightly so he could sit and watch them, "Put your shoulder into it."

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