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"This is private property. I'm calling the police." When Sam didn't move she yelled and advanced slowly towards Sam, "You heard me! Get out!"

"Ah, I could- just let me get my bag." Sam motioned, "I'm going. I- I don't mean to cause any trouble."

Sam reached for his bag and pulled out a flame-thrower which he aimed at her. There was a whooshing noise before she apparently disappeared, leaving Sam stunned as he searched for her.

With Angel and Dean...

Dean beat the edge of the cage with his flashlight as Angel did the same with the butt of her knife. Dean quickly pulled Ben out of the cage and hugged him tightly.

"Alright, come on."

On her side, Angel finally snapped the thing open and got rid of the lock. Ben ran over to her and helped Katie out as Angel and Dean ran around the room freeing the kids one cage at a time.

"It's okay." Ben nodded confidently at her, "You're gonna get out of here, alright?"

As the Winchesters freed the kids, Ben helped by grouping them all against the wall. Angel paused from breaking out a pair of twin girls as she came across an older red headed woman in a cage. She looked weak as she slowly raised her head to look at Angel.

"Alright, well..." Angel sighed while working on the twins cage next, "Found the mom."

"Mom?" Dean turned to her with a hard look, "There's a mom?"

"Well, yeah. Don't you read?"

"You couldn't have mentioned that?

"I'm mentioning it now." Angel hurriedly helped the twins out, "Come on, girls, come on. Keep moving."

"Okay, everybody back!" Dean backed everyone against the wall, "Everybody back!" He cleared off a windowsill and prepared to smash the glass as Angel ushered all of the kids out of the way, "Cover your eyes!"

Once he broke the window with a plank of wood, and began to brush the glass off, Ben handed his jacket over, "Here, use this."

Dean quickly put the jacket over the edge of the window, "Alright, Ben." He motioned, "Come on, hurry."

Ben motioned to Katie who looked worn out and scared out of her mind as she clutched onto Angel, "Her first."

Angel's brows went up as she helped Tracey over, "Nice kid."

"Guys!" Sam sprinted in just then, "Guys! There's a mother."

"Yeah, we found the real one over there." Angel motioned to the last cage as she helped the kids out of the window, "Can you help her out?"

"Yeah." He hurried over, "I guess that's why the changelings are keeping the kids alive- so the mom can snack on them." He helped the redheaded woman up, "There, come on, I gotcha."

When one of the twins looked behind her, she screamed at the sight of the mother changeling.

With Lisa...

Ben stood stiff armed in the living room watching Lisa as she was deeply engrossed in her book, "Mommy?"

Lisa jumped in startlement, laughing a little when she saw it was him, "Ben..."

"Play with me."

"This isn't funny anymore. I put you to bed three times already."

"I don't want to go to bed." He hugged her tightly, "I want to be with you, Mommy."

Lisa smiled, "That's sweet, hon."

"I'm hungry."

"Mini pizzas okay?" She stood and headed for the kitchen, "Deluxe is all we've got."


"That's funny." She turned back to him with a smile, "I thought we were anti-olives this month."

When she looked down and saw Ben's reflection in the glass table. When she saw the reflection of the Changeling she gasped in horror.

"What's wrong, Mommy?"

Lisa backed up slowly, "You're not my son."

"Yes, I am."

"Where's Ben?"

"I'm Ben. I love you, Mommy."

Lisa ran out the front door, grabbing her keys along the way. On the front lawn, a line of three Creepy Kids has formed, blocking her exit. They started to advance towards her so she ran back inside and slammed the door, turning around to see Ben.

"They don't want you to leave me, Mommy."

With Dana...

Dana was huddled behind the motel desk sobbing as Katie screamed and pounded on the door.

"Mommy? Let me in! What are you doing?! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in!"

With the Winchesters...

While Angel helped the kids out Dean rushed the Changeling mom. Almost immediately he went airborne and landed on his back, groaning in pain. The Changeling Mom turned around where Sam was pointing the flamethrower and a lighter. She kicked the lighter out of his hand before roundhouse kicking him. Then she threw a few punches, kicking his ass, before throwing him across the room.

Angel quickly grabbed a 2x4 but when she went to attack the Changeling Mother punched and knocked her down almost immediately. She grabbed the blond and flung her across the room into the wall. Angel groaned at the impact in pain as Dean finally got to his knees.

"Ben!" Dean yelled, "Get them out of here!"

He grabbed a brick and surged to his feet again to clock the Changeling Mom. Ben helped the other kids up and out the window before climbing out himself, as Dean fought with the Changeling Mom. Eventually she faced all three of the Winchesters to see Sam with the torch at the ready. He burned her to a crisp with Dean's homemade torch and as she went up in flames. As she burns, Changeling Ben, Changeling Katie and all the other Changeling kids disappear in flames as they too screamed.

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