Chapter Ten: Mystery Spot

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DISCLAIMER: I only own my character! Anything you might recognize is courtesy of the CW. Any Gifs and/or pics present are not mine. They were pulled from google searches and/or Tumblr.

WARNING: Some of these episodes/chapters may contain graphic violence, cursing, mentions of suicide or assault and other triggering aspects. Proceed with caution please.

Episode Summary:

The Winchesters investigate the disappearance of a man who went missing at a tourist location. While searching the site, Angel is shot and killed by the owner. Sam and Dean are both devastated but Sam is stunned beyond belief when he wakes up the next morning to find Angel alive and well and Dean none the wiser. As the day unfolds, Sam realizes he is re-living the previous day and tries to prevent Angel's death, which he does but Dean dies instead.

 As the day unfolds, Sam realizes he is re-living the previous day and tries to prevent Angel's death, which he does but Dean dies instead

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Sam's eyes snapped open as the radio blared Heat of the Moment by Asia from the motel room side table. He sat up in bed and looked over with squinted eyes to Angel who was dressed for the day and brushing her teeth in the bathroom. She smiled at his annoyed face from the mirror before winking at him. Then he turned his tired morning glare to Dean who was sitting on the other bed, tying his shoes. He was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

"Dude." Sam shook his head, "Asia?"

"Come on. You love this song and you know it."

"Yeah, and if I ever hear it again I'm gonna kill myself."

"What?" Dean turned up the volume, "Sorry, can't hear you."

Sam and Angel both laughed as Dean started lip syncing and bopping along to the lyrics. Angel shook her head as his bopping came to a stop beside her in the bathroom. He swiped her mouthwash before she could put it back in her bag earning an eye roll but she saved her toothpaste and escaped the bathroom before he could take anything else.

Later on Sam stood next to him in the bathroom as he gurgled loudly and extremely long. Sam tried to ignore him long enough to brush his teeth but he grimaced at the way Dean left their toothpaste. There was dried crud all over it and the cap was nowhere to be seen. When he looked over at him in disgust Dean grinned, still mid gurgle, and Sam shook his head in irritation.

After they were all done with their morning routines Sam and Angel found themselves standing by the door waiting for Dean. He was rifling around the motel room in search of his gun. Angel took a steadying breath as she quelled the bubbling irritation with her little brother.

Sam however was giving him major bitchface from beside Angel, "Whenever you're ready, Dean."

"Gross!" Dean grimaced when he pulled out a black lace bra from his bag, "Angel, why is your crap in here?!"

She peered at the bra before giving him a bored look, "That's not mine."

"Oh." He smirked at Sam, "Yours?" Sam glared and earned a loud laugh from Dean before he resumed rummaging in his bag and finally pulled out his gun, "Bingo." He sighed and put his gun in his waistband before going past Angel and Sam to the door, "Now, who's ready for some breakfast?"

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