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On the mainstreet of Elizabethville, the next day...

Not much appeared to have changed since the demons were killed as Angel, Bobby and Dean walked outside on the busy sidewalk.

"Well, what do you think, Bobby?" Dean asked, "About what we did here, you think it made a difference?"

"Two less demons to worry about." He shrugged as Dean nodded in agreement, "That's not nothing."

Angel frowned as they crossed the street, "Yeah, but Trotter's still alive."

"Humans ain't our job."

"Sure, but do you two think anything's really gonna change around here? I mean maybe these people do just want to destroy themselves, and that's why they're here. Not because of a couple of demons. Maybe all of this is a... losing battle." She frowned when Dean came to a stop in front of her with a scowl, "What? It's a logical theory."

"No, that sounds like that demon bitch talking not you, Ang."

"Oh, it's me, Dean." She put her hands on her hips, "Sure the demon's dead but so is the innocent chick that it was possessing."

"Well, had to be done." Bobby interjected with a sigh, "Sam was saving your life."

"Yeah, sure he was, but..."

Dean raised a brow, "But what, Ang? You're alive. That's all that matters."

"That's not all that matters." Angel argued, looking between them, "You two didn't see it, guys. It was cold." Her face turned grim as she crossed her arms, "It's just... I don't know..."

"It's just what?" Dean pressed, searching her face and sensing something was off, "What aren't you telling us, Ang?"

"Back in Wyoming, there was this moment... Yellow Eyes said something to me."

Dean shared a look with Bobby, "What'd he say?"

"That maybe when... I brought Sam back with my deal, that maybe he came back different."

"Different how?"

"I don't know, Dean! But whatever he was trying to say by that it didn't sound like he meant Sam was going to be pooping rainbows for the next twenty years." Angel frowned deeply, "You think... you think he was right? That there's something wrong with Sammy?"

"What? No." Dean immediately dismissed, "Demons lie, Ang. Sam's fine. You're just letting these things get to your head."

"He's right, Angel." Bobby agreed after a brief hesitation when she met his eyes, "I'm sure Sam's okay."

"Yeah..." She nodded after taking a breath, "Yeah, you guys are right. I'm probably just letting them get to me."

In Sam and Dean's hotel room...

Sam was irritatedly packing when he was distracted by Ruby walking into the room, "Leaving so soon? We haven't even had a chance to celebrate."

"Yeah, well you can celebrate without me."

"You're not gonna get all pouty on me now, are you?" She scoffed and smiled as she shurt the door behind her, "Come on! You killed two demons today."

Sam glared, "Maybe you don't care, but I killed two humans, too."

"Sam, you know what happens when demons piggyback humans. They leave them rode hard and put up wet. Chances are those two would have died a slow, sticky death. You probably did them a favor."

"Did them a favor?" Sam glared, "You're a cold bitch, you know that?"

"Yeah, and this cold bitch has saved your ass a couple of times now. Some respect might be nice. Especially if you want me to help you out with Angel and her little problem."

"You know what?" Sam took the Colt off the bed and turned back to her when she walked over to sit on the chair behind him, "You keep dangling that, but last I checked, Angel's still going to Hell."

"Everything in its own time, Sam, but there's a quid pro quo here. We're in a war."

"Right, but for some reason, you're fighting on our team. Now, tell me, why is that again?"

"Go screw yourself, that's why. I don't have to justify my actions to you, Sam. If you don't want my help, fine. Then give me the gun and I'll pass it on to someone who will use it."

Sam quickly pointed the Colt at her when she stood, "Maybe I'll just use it on you."

Ruby shrugged, "Go ahead, if that makes you happy. It's not gonna do much for Angel, though." He glared as she walked closer to him so the Colt was touching her chest, "So, what's it gonna be, hmm?" Begrudgingly, Sam lowered the Colt, "Ah, that's my boy." She grinned, "This won't be easy, Sam. You're gonna have to do things that go against that gentle nature of yours. There'll be collateral damage... but, it has to be done."

"Well, I don't have to like it."

"No. You wouldn't be Sam if you did. On the bright side, I'll be there with you." Sam swallowed nervously, looking unhappy, "That little fallen angel on your shoulder."

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