Ch 2 Section 3

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At the park...

Dean was walking back to his car, when he noticed Ben sitting sadly on a park bench. Frowning he walked over to him.

"Hey, Ben."

"Hey." Ben looked up at him, still frowning, "You were at my party."

"Yeah." Dean nodded with a smile, "Yeah, I'm Dean." He took a seat next to him, "Everything okay? Something wrong?" Ben shrugged, looking down and Dean noticed that Ben was holding an empty case and then looked out at the field and then saw a group of four boys playing with a Gameboy, "Is that your game they're playing with?"

Ben frowned sadly, "Ryan Humphrey borrowed it, and now he won't give it back."

"Well, you want me to go-"

"No!" Ben hurriedly grabbed his arm so he wouldn't get up, "Don't go over there! Only bitches send a grown-up.

Deans eyebrows raised at that and he couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised, "You're not wrong."

"And I am not a bitch."

Dean smiled before turning back to the group of kids, "Is that Humphrey?" He motioned, "The one that needs to lay off the burgers?" Ben nodded with a slight smile as something came to Dean's mind, "Hm."

Later on...

Ben walked the park to the group of boys, they are all bigger than he, but he confidently cleared his throat loudly. When they didn't react he looked back at Dean who gave him a thumb's up.

Ben cleared his throat again, louder this time, "Ryan." All of the kids looked up, "I'd like my game back, please."

"Fine." Ryan taunted, "Take it back."

The other boys laughed loudly at that. Ben looked nervously at the other kids, sighed, and then turned as if to leave.

"See?" Ryan grinned, "Told you guys he was a-"

Ryan was cut off as Ben turned back suddenly and kicked him hard between the legs. Ryan crumpled to the ground, and Ben took the game back. Dean looked around, smirking, as Ben ran back to the bench grinning right at him.

He smiled widely, "Dude, that was awesome!"

"Benjamin. Isaac. Braeden!" Lisa, who caught the end of the exchange, stormed over, "What's gotten into you?"

"He stole my game."

"So you kick him? Since when is-" She broke off when she saw Dean still grinning and whirled on him, "Did you tell my son to beat up that kid?"

"What?" Dean shrugged, "Somebody had to teach him how to kick the bully in the nads."

"Who asked you to teach him anything?"

"Just relax."

Lisa grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away from the bench so Ben wouldn't hear him, "What are you even still doing here? We had one weekend together a million years ago. You don't know me, and you have no business with my son."

She stalked over to Ben and grabbed him to walk off, "Lisa."

"Just leave us alone."

She and Ben began to leave, but Ben pulled out of her grip and ran back to give Dean an impulsive, tight hug.


He hugged Dean, much to the hunters surprise, "Thanks."

Dean smiled down at him and patted his back. Ben ran back to Lisa and they left as Dean watched them speculatively, until he noticed three children with creepy stares watching closely. In unison, the three of them turned from watching Lisa and Ben to watching Dean, alerting him.

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