Ch 11 Section 3

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Inside the police station...

Sam was drawing another devil's trap on the floor with spray paint while the others lined the windows with salt. Angel and Dean rushed inside.

"They're coming!" Dean yelled as he and Angel ran down the hall, "Hurry!"

Black smoke hit the window that Nancy was at, and she screamed. She and the Winchesters all ran to the main office area where Henriksen was. Dean tossed a gun to Sam as Angel readied her own. The black and blue electric demon smoke surrounded the windows of the building. The lights in the main room flickered and it became darker. Nancy clutched the cross she wore around her neck as dust rained down from the ceiling from the building shaking. Then the smoke seemed to disappear as it became quiet again. The Winchesters looked at eachother grimly before Sam looked around at their group.

"Everybody okay?"

Henriksen looked at him with wide terrified eyes, "Define 'okay'."

Angel patted his shoulder as she passed him on her way back over to her brothers, "Alive."

"Alright, everybody needs to put these on." Dean passed around protection necklaces, "They'll keep you from being possessed." There you go.

Nancy looked at him worriedly, "What about you three?"

Dean and Sam pulled their shirts down to show their matching protection symbol tattoos on their chests. Angel raised hers to show the same tattoo on her ribcage.

"Smart." Henricksen nodded, "How long you had those?"

Sam frowned as he motioned his head, "Not long enough."

Later on...

In the main office, Nancy was organizing some files when she saw a crowd of people gathering outside.

She gasped, "Hey, that's Jenna Rubner."

Dean came over to her to survey the woman with long red hair and black eyes, "That's not Jenna anymore."

She looked up at him, "That's where all the black demon smoke went?"

"Looks like."

As Angel filled her shotgun shells with salt in the Sheriff's office she looked up and noticed Henriksen frowning at Melvin's nameplate. Guilt filled his eyes at the memory of shooting the sheriff while possessed. His eyes moved from the nameplate to Angels silently watching green orbs. The FBI agent looked from her back down to the desk where he picked up one of her finished shells and picked it up with a smirk.

"Shotgun shells full of salt, huh?"

She smirked and cocked an eyebrow at him as she loaded her shotgun, "Whatever works."

"Fighting off monsters with condiments." He shook his head in disbelief as he took his tie off and tossed it on the table, "So." He locked eyes with Angel again before he started filling his own rifle with salt shells, "Turns out demons are real."

"Quick fun fact... ghosts, werewolves, vampires and changelings are all real too." She loudly snapped her shotgun when it was fully loaded, "Oh and so are evil clowns that like to eat people."

Henriksen stared at her for a beat, "How is that a fun fact?"

"Good to know, fun to know, all the same thing right?" She smiled, "If it makes you feel any better, Bigfoot's a hoax."

"It doesn't." She chuckled as they went back to loading their weapons, "How many demons?"

"A lot, enough." She shook her head, "We don't have a total."

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