Ch 7 Section 4

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Angel woke with a groan tied to a chair in the Carrigans kitchen. Her brothers were tied to her chair as well and sat back to back with each other. A number of bowls and a knife were set out on the kitchen table beside them.

"Ang?" Dean looked over to her at her groan, "You okay?"

"Uh..." She grimaced at the pain in her head as she tested the ropes around her, "Aside from the splitting headache, yeah. I think so."

"So..." Sam sighed heavily, "I guess we're dealing with Mr. and Mrs. God." Angel and Dean both nod at that, "Nice to know."



The Carrigans each came into the kitchen just then, both dressed in colorful Christmas themed sweaters.

"Oh!" Mrs. Carrigan giggled, "And here we thought you three lazybones were gonna sleep straight through all the fun stuff."

"Miss all this?" Dean quipped, "Nah, we're partiers."

"Isn't he a kick in the pants, honey?" Mr. Carrigan chuckled as he smoked his pipe, "You're hunters, is what you are."

"Ohh, look at you. So smart. Although i'd expect nothing less from a couple of pagan gods." Angel glared between them before shrugging and smirking, "Why don't we just call it even, and go our separate ways?"

"What, so you can bring more hunters and kill us?" He laughed, "I don't think so."

Sam rolled his eyes, "Maybe you should have thought about that before you went snackin on humans, now, huh?"

"Oh now, don't get all wet."

"Oh, why, we used to take over a hundred tributes a year and that's a fact." Mrs. Carrigan put a napkin on Dean's lap before doing the same to Angel and Sam, "Now what do we take? What, two? Three?"

"The Hardy Three here make six."

"Now, that's not so bad, is it?"

"Well, you say it like that- I guess you guys are the Cunninghams."

"You, mister." Mr. Carrigan pointed at Dean, "Better show us a little respect."

"Or what?" Angel rolled her eyes, "You gonna dip us in some hot sauce and eat us?"

"Not so fast." He looked at his wife's excited face, "There's rituals to be followed first."

"Oh..." Mrs. Carrigan leaned down and grinned at Angel who scowled in return, "We're just sticklers for ritual."

"And you know what kicks off the whole shebang?"

"Let me guess..." Dean interjected, "Meadowsweet." He smirked, "Oh shucks, you're all out of wreaths. I guess we'll just have to cancel the sacrifice, huh?"

"Oh, don't be such a gloomy Gus." Mrs. Carrigan continued smiling as she put wreaths around all three of their necks, "There. Oh..." She clapped her hands softly in front of her, "Don't they just look darling?"

"Good enough to eat." Mr. Carrigan smacked his lips, "Alrighty-roo." He whipped out a knife, "Step number two."

Mr. Carrigan grabbed one of the bowls from the table and walked over to Angel. The blonde tensed and tried to move her arm away from him as he held the bowl under her arm and prepared to cut her with the knife.

"Hey." She tried to move again, "Don't touch me."



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