Ch 1 Section 2

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Policemen are taking forensic evidence at the newest murder scene as Sam watched while Bobby and Angel talked to the suspect. Sam went into the store where Dean was chatting up a witness, a young blonde woman.

He rested a comforting hand on her shoulder, "What happened outside makes you realize how fragile life really is. You got to make every second count."

She nodded but Sam approached, clearing his throat.

Dean smiled at her, "Excuse me a minute, would you?"

The witness left and Sam looked over to him, exacerbated, "Dean, what are you doing?"

He smirked, "I'm comforting the bereaved. What are you doing?"

"Workin'." Sam nodded pointedly, "Dead body, possible demon attack- that kind of stuff."

"Right, right. Sorry." He chuckled, pointing, "Head in the game, roger."

Bobby and Angel entered, both in an FBI suit. Bobby was the cleanest and sharpest any of them had ever seen, from the clothes to his hair slicked back and no hat. The boys both looked impressed.

"Whoa." Dean whistled, grinning as Bobby fixed his tie in the mirror, "Looking spiffy, Bobby. What were you, a G-man?"

"We were attorneys for the D.A.'s office." He pointed behind them, "Just spoke to the suspect."

"Yeah? So, what do you think?" Sam asked, "Is she possessed or what?"

"Doesn't look like it." Angel shook her head, "No blackouts or loss of control. Nothing out of the norm. She just really wanted those shoes." Angel rolled her eyes, "They weren't all that if you ask me."

Bobby gave her an exasperated look before taking over, "Spilled a glass of holy water on her just to be sure; nothing."

Dean shrugged, "Maybe she's just some random whack job."

"If it had been an isolated incident, maybe, but first the family, now this? I believe in a lot of things. Coincidence ain't one of them."

Angel looked between her brothers, "Did you boys find anything around here?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary." Sam shook his head, "No sulfur, nothing."

"Well, maybe something." Dean nodded to a security camera in the ceiling, then to Sam, "See? I'm working."

In the security room...

Sam was seated as he scrolled through the security footage with the other three hovering over him.

Dean looked over his shoulder, "Anything interesting?"

"I don't know yet. Might just be a guy..." They watched a redhead man approach the blonde woman that committed the crime, "Or it might be our guy."

"Let's do some recon on this guy." Angel instructed, "Figure out who he is."

Sam nodded and they split off. Sam left the store to walk up the street, hands in his pockets. A mysterious young blonde woman slipped onto the street several paces behind him and followed. Sam sensed that he's being followed, stopped, and turned, but the woman was gone.

Later on at a local bar...

Dean, Bobby and Angel were staking out a bar, sitting in Bobby's car. Well mostly the boys now since Angel fell asleep in the back, softly snoring. Dean looked back at her and smiled before turning his attention back to the stake out.

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