Ch 5 Section 5

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The next day, as the Winchesters packed to get ready to leave, the door opened and Bela strolled in.

"You lot should learn to lock your doors. Anyone could just barge in."

"Anyone just did." Sam raised a brow, "Did you come to say goodbye or thank you?"

"I've come to settle affairs. Giving the spirit what he really wanted, his own brother- very clever, Sam, so here." She tossed each of the siblings a packet of money, "It's fifteen thousand- that should cover it." The three of them gaped at the packets of money before looking back up at Bela, "I don't like being in anyone's debt."

Dean scoffed, "So ponying up fifteen grand is easier for you than a simple thank you?" She smiled faintly and he shook his head with a smirk, "You're so damaged."

"Takes one to know one." Her smile broadened, "Goodbye."

As she left, Angel shook her head and tossed her envelope to Dean, "That chick is somethin else."

"She's got style." Sam smirked, "You gotta give her that."


"You know, guys..." Sam eyed them, "We don't know where this money's been."

"No, but I know where it's going." Dean grinned widely, "A-HA HA!"

Later on...

Dean followed Angel as she walked her stuff to Asa's car, "You're sure you don't want to meet us in Atlantic City?"

She sent a look to Asa who smirked and shrugged his shoulders before getting into the driver's seat.

Angel shook her head, "I think you two going for a vacation in Atlantic City is just what you guys need. Besides..." She smirked, "I think Ace wants a little quality alone time with me."

Dean grimaced, "Alright, way too much information."

She laughed as she followed him over to the Impala where Sam was, "We'll meet back up in a week or two."

"Alright, but if you change your mind and wanna play some roulette, just remember: always bet on black."

"Noted. You two have fun." She was about to turn and leave but instead faced them with a serious expression, "Listen, before i go... I just- I just wanted to tell you two that I do understand why you guys went after the crossroads demon." The boys shared a look as she continued, "You know, if the situations were reversed, I'd've done the same thing." She cleared her throat, "I mean I'm not blind. I do see what you two are going through. It can't be easy dealing with the fact that in less than a year I'm gonna die, but... All of you, you two, Asa, Bobby... All of you are going to be okay without me. You need to start believing that."

Dean's jaw set as he stared at her and Sam exhaled tightly, his voice toneless, "You think so..."

"Yeah, you guys will keep hunting, and eventually... it'll be hard but... you'll get over it." She crossed her arms, "But I want you two to know I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting you guys through all this, I am."

"You know what, Ang?" Sam angered, "Screw you!"

Angel bulked at him as her eyes widened, "Excuse me?"

Dean scoffed irately as well, "We don't want an apology from you, Angel! We're adults, we can take care of ourselves!"

"Well I know that, I just-"

"Stop worrying about us!" Sam's voice rose over hers, "That's the whole problem in the first place. You need to start worrying about you! Start giving a crap that you're dying!"

Angel crossed her arms with a blank face. The only emotion that was shining through her eyes was annoyance.

"So, that's it?" Dean scoffed, "Nothing else to say for you?"

"Asa's got a case lined up so i should go. Have fun in AC." Stoney faced she turned and headed back towards Asas car, "We'll catch up in a week."

As she walked away from them, Sam and Dean both stared at her in outrage. Sam sighed in exasperation and Dean angrily got into the Impala.

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