Ch 9 Section 2

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Dean looked over to his siblings as they walked through the hallway of the hospital after leaving Bobby's room, "So how do we find our homicidal sandman?"

"That's another problem." Angel scoffed, "Our real life Freddy Kruegar could be anyone. I think a good place to start would be anyone who knew the doctor and had access to his dreamwalking tea."

Sam pursed his lips, "Maybe one of his test subjects or something?"

"Possible. But his research was pretty sketchy." Dean shook his head, "I mean... We don't know how many subjects he had, or who all of them were." Sam scoffed earning looks from Angel and Dean, "What?"

"In any other case..." Sam sighed loudly, "We'd be calling Bobby and asking him for help right now."

"You know what?" Something popped into Dean's head causing him to grab both of them by the arm and look between them, "That's a good idea."

"Uh..." Sam frowned, "What?"

"Let's go talk to him."

"If you haven't noticed..." Angel frowned as well, confusion etched on her face, "Hes kinda comatose. The conversation isn't going to get far, Dean."

"It might if we're tripping on some Dream Root."

"Excuse me?" She and Sam both gaped at his suggestion, Angel letting out a scoff, "You're saying we voluntarily take this thing and start dreamwalking inside Bobby's head? Have you gone insane?"

"Why not?" He shrugged, "Maybe we could help."

Sam shook his head, "We have no idea what's crawling around in there."

"Come on, how bad could it be?" At their dual look of uncertainty he pressed, "Guys, it's Bobby."

After Angel and Sam shared a brief look of consideration the ladder nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, you're right." He scoffed, "One problem though. We're fresh out of African Dream Root, so unless you know someone who can score some..."

"Crap." Dean's face became grim with realization and irritation, "Bela."

"Bela?" Sam repeated then frowned as well in understanding, "Crap."

"Hell no." Angel scoffed, "You two seriously aren't suggesting that we ask that chick for a favor?"

"I'm feeling dirty just thinking about it..." Dean grumbled, "But yeah."

When he walked away Angel shared a grim look with Sam before rolling her eyes and following Dean. Sam sighed heavily before following as well.

Back at the motel...

Sam sat alone in his motel room doing research on his laptop when a knock on the door sounded. He closed the lid on the computer, sighed and then walked over to cautiously open the door a few inches. Sighing when he saw who it was, he opened it up completely so Bela could walk in.

She grinned at him as her hands gripped the trenchcoat she was wearing, "Hey, Sam."

Sam closed the door as she stopped in the middle of the room and turned to face him.

"Bela." Annoyance filled his voice as he stood across from her with his hands on his hips, "I didn't think there's a chance in hell you'd show up."

"Well, im full of surprises." Bela smiled widely, "Though, truthfully..." She took hold of the belt of her trench coat, and advanced slowly towards him, "You wanna know why I'm here?"

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